Chapter 70- "anything for you love"

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I pull my small carry on behind me, I stand it up in the living room slumping into the sofa and setting my hands down on my black jeans.

"You ready for Paris?" Vanessa asks from her position on the sofa.

"As i'll ever be," I smile brushing some loose strands of my ponytail behind my ear.

"I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time," Selena cries, clapping her hands together.

"I'm sure I will too. I just can't wait to get off this tour bus and spend lots of time with Niall," I smile, feeling quite content.

"I helped him plan everything out. He needed some expert advice if you ask me," Selena chuckles.

"I'm sure he did. But it will be amazing," I say, thinking of all the things we can do.

He walks in with his bags and a big smile on his face as he sits on the sofa next to me planting a tiny kiss on my lips sweetly.

"I hope you're ready for the best trip of your life," he says.

"I am ready and waiting," I reply, linking fingers with him.

"Well if you're waiting we should get going," Niall says, immediately standing up.

I excitedly follow him as we walk towards the tour bus door, everyone else walking behind us to say goodbye.

"Don't miss us too much will you?" Niall smiles as we stands in front of everyone.

"We'll try not to," Louis replies, holding out his arms for a hug.

We both go down the line of our friends and give them all hugs saying our goodbyes.

"Paris here we come," Niall exclaims, opening the car door for me.

"I'll miss you all so much even though we'll hardly be gone for long," I say, waving at everyone.

"Bye," they all chorus as we get in the car.

The car starts up and Niall grabs my hand, strangely running his thumb over the promise ring he gave me but I don't mind.

Resting my head on his shoulder, I try to get some sleep for the journey to the airport and the plane ride.

*At the airport*

"Thank you," I smile to the driver, taking my bags from him.

"You're welcome, have a great holiday," he replies, getting in the car and driving off after Niall got his things too.

"We have around an hour to kill so we should go get something to eat," Niall says.

"Ok, can we go to like a fast food restaurant or something?" I ask.

"Anything for you love," he grins, linking our fingers.

Suddenly a small group of girls come running up screaming Niall's name.

"Niall oh my god Niall," one screeches.

"Its Jade," the other cries.

"Hi," Niall grins.

"Would you like some pictures?" he asks them receiving rapid nods in reply.

He bends down and takes lots of pictures with them, signs some things and I even got in a few of the pictures for them.
We say goodbye to them and head to a Burger King just around the corner.

"I'm so hungry," Niall cries.

"When are you not," I chuckle.

"True," he laughs and we put our bags down as he gets in the line to go get us our food.

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