Chapter One

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"One moment please!" A cheery female voice yells from a back room.


"I'll be with you in a second!" The voice replies again, slightly agitated.


"What the fuck?" I huff to myself, making my way out of the room up to the counter.

Before I can even greet the person at the counter they curtly say their order still looking at their phone paying no mind to me standing in front of them.
"I'm going to need 36 chocolate cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting dyed pink and blue filled with pink frosting."

"And what's the name for that?"

"Ashlynn Smith."

"And when will you be picking it up?"

"3 days." She says still looking at her phone completely uninterested.

"Okay. Your total will be 86.74. You may pay now or when you come to pick your order up."

The woman drops a hundred dollar bill on the counter. I hand her, her change and say,"thank you. See you in three days!"

I go back and finish what I was doing before shaking my head to myself at how rude some people can be. I put final touches on orders for the morning tomorrow making sure to store everything away in the refrigerator. Cleaning up the quaint bakery and placing a small box of treats into my bag I lock up and sling my bag over my shoulder and head to my studio apartment. Walking at a brisk pace slightly shivering at the cool fall New York air I finally arrive at my apartment about 15 minutes later, climbing the steps pulling off my scarf and sweater as I go up. I stop at my door and pull out my keys unlocking the it and entering. I breathe a sigh of relief. Home sweet home. It wasn't the fanciest place but it was still nice. Modern, open concept, beautiful dark brown wooden floors, large windows. Quite a steal for the shit holes you can find that cost an arm and a leg. Setting my stuff down on the table I check my phone.

3 Messages
2 Momma
1 Xavier

Mom: Hope you had a good day at work Marianna, let me know you got home safely.
Mom: It's getting late please text me soon.

Marianna: Yes I am safe thank you for always checking on me. I had a good day the bakery is doing very well. Hope you had a good day as well. I miss you.

It hadn't been more then 2 weeks since the last time I saw my mother but I still meant it. I miss her all the time.

Xavier: 10:00 PM Roswell Avenue

I close my phone and make my way to the kitchen. I pick up the little food and water bowls on the floor changing both. I feel a small furry presence at my ankles and smile down at my beautiful cat Verity. She is a 6 year old Grey Chartreux cat with stunning yellow eyes. I place the bowls down and give Verity a head scratch before washing my hands and getting leftover chili. Popping it in the microwave I grab the small box from the bakery and take out a round bread loaf. Closing the box leaving it on the table. I pour myself some water and mix in lemon flavor. Hearing popping coming from the microwave I take the chili out and begin devouring it.

"Mhmmm just as good as the first time." I say happily to myself. I dip the bread in the sauce and chug my sweet lemonade. I don't care how I look this food is good, I'm gonna EAT. I'm done and completely satisfied within a couple of minutes.


I still have a little time so I decide to make myself a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch tomorrow. I change out of my clothes and into something a little more suited for the occasion.

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