Chapter Nintey- Seven

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I wake up with a pounding headache and immediately roll over my mates bodies without a care running to the bathroom waking them all up.

"Are you okay?" I hear Peter (Q) ask as I slam the bathroom door behind me making it to the toilet just in time. I throw up clutching my pounding head sweat trickling down my body. I hear a soft knock on the door and yell for them to go away. Tony bursts in anyways and I have no energy to fight as more comes up. He pulls back my hair and gets a wet cloth wiping it along my body cooling me off. I lean against him closing my eyes when I finally feel like I'm finished. He continues gently wiping the cloth where he can reach being my support beam. Once I gain my bearings he helps me up and I immediately take a pregnancy test Tony watching me with excitement. I can't help but smile back as I cap the test and wait for the results. I wash my hands and cling to Tony as my other mates make their way into the bathroom checking me over before waiting with us.

Not Pregnant

I push myself further into Tony's arms and he holds me tightly.

"Let's make an appointment with the doctor just in case." I nod against his chest holding back my tears as my other mates wrap their arms around us.

A few hours later
"Your blood work came back positive. Congratulations Yanis family you are about 2 weeks along now." My eyes well up with happy tears and I'm immediately pulled out of my seat into a massive hug.

"Be gentle Quill!" I hear Loki yell pulling him away from me enveloping me in his arms.

"I'm just so happy!" He blubbers out tears streaming down his smiling face.

"I'm excited too my love but I'm only 2 weeks along, please don't get your hopes up too much."

"Too late." He smiles through his tears taking me out of Loki's arms and lifting me gently into the air. I giggle as he brings me down kissing me.

"Stop hogging her we're happy too!" Natasha says joining us gently wrapping her arms around me like I'm going to break.

I hear sobbing and cheering over the phone as Thor and T'challa celebrate with their families back in Asgard and Wakanda.

I look at the doctor gratefully and she speaks before leaving, "is there any questions any of you have?"

"What should I be doing to make sure I don't lose this one?"

"Take it easy in your everyday life. Don't be doing your regular Avenging." She smiles.

"Lots of folic acids which I can fill a prescription for, and keep your overall mood upbeat. Try to stay as stress free and happy as possible. Of course the obvious, no drinking, drugs, or any smoking. Avoid seafood which shouldn't be hard for you, deli meats or undercooked meats, coffee and excessive caffeine." I feel a sympathetic hand test on my shoulder for that last one.

"So no coffee? At all? And what's excessive caffeine because my husband and I seem to have very different opinions on what excessive is." I look playfully over to Pietro who smirks shaking his head.

"One coffee a day should be fine but then you should really not have much more caffeine for the day." I breathe a sigh of relief. I don't have coffee everyday but at least twice a week and lately it's been pushing 4 a week but it's okay I've got this.

"Anything else?" She looks around to everyone.

"What can we do to help?" Peter (P) asks nervously.

She smiles kindly at him, "try to make things as easy as possible on her, and try to make sure she gets as stressed as little as possible." He nods hanging on her every word. So precious. I can't help but move to him and wrap him in my arms. She answers a few more questions and Tony has her agree to call him twice a day to check in and come here once a week to make sure everything is going smoothly.

3 days later
"Yes I'm fine."

"No, I'm not doing anything too strenuous."

"Vision, Natasha and Stephen."

"Right here." I say holding up my hard hat and glasses for T'challa on FaceTime. He's still in Wakanda and because of being pregnant there's not much else for me to do that I enjoy so today Vision, Nat, and Stephen took me up to the house to check on the progress and watch them get hot and sweaty helping build our home.

"Put them on!" He yells.

"I'm sitting away from everything eating on the grass talking to you my love, I think I'm okay." I say holding up my container of seedless cherries because with the seeds is far too dangerous right now according to Steve.

"At least the hat please?" I oblige and put on the big yellow construction hat and he smiles seeing me.

"Screen shotted!" I laugh sticking out my tongue reaching for another cherry.

"How has everything been in Wakanda?"

"Very well, you pleased everyone you met and have received high praise amongst some powerful allies in and outside of Wakanda thanks to your farming ideas in destroyed areas you proposed making some of the worlds first communal farms in places where it will greatly improve the quality of life." I blush at his obvious bragging.

"Thank Bruce. He's the one who's had a hand in teaching me about different agricultural prospects."

"You're too humble my love. But I have to go. Duty calls. Be safe I love you."

"I love you." I say before he hangs up. I pop another cherry in my mouth and scroll though my phone sending Thor a text. He's still in Asgard much to my dismay, I miss sleeping next to him and I send him way too many texts and memes through the day.

I put my phone down and watch my mates work on the house following the orders of the other construction workers. I watch as their muscles flex and I grow wet immediately. I bite my lip with a smile grabbing a cherry not looking away. I rest my other hand on my stomach.

Is this what peace feels like?

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