Chapter Nintey- One

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T'challas mother stands in front of me examining me before speaking loud enough for the whole room to hear.

"Much like the King the future queen must prove her worthiness of leading our great country!" The crowd cheers and after a moment she raises a hand quieting them.

"Dora Milaje, attack." She orders. Okoye only hesitates for a moment before his mother steps out of the way and she throws her spear at me.

I groan as the power sends me falling back into the throne my shoulder burning with pain. I quickly pull it out and roll off of the throne and land on the floor just as another woman swings her spear to where my neck just was. I keep rolling on the floor trying to escape the group of women relentlessly coming at me my shoulder healing but still in immense pain.

I hit a wall and realize there's no more time for me to buy as a woman goes to bring her spear into my head. I throw my hands up and cover my head knowing it won't do me any good but it's an automatic reaction. I close my eyes and wait for the inevitable but nothing happens. I realize the woman is halfway across the room on the floor now looking surprised.

Another woman swings her spear down and I do exactly what I did before but keep my eyes open watching as a shield of some sort protects me. I smirk and rise to my feet fear dissipating anticipation taking over.

I see my mates struggling against restraints which I'm guessing are able to stop their powers too and I take off into action singing pulling water from the air  guiding it around the Dora Milaje closest to me freezing the water into an igloo barrier around them. Okoye comes at me again swinging her spear. I duck underneath it using this time to move behind her and kick the back of her leg causing her to fall. She spins on her knees and faces me pointing the spear at me but I'm already letting out a scream making her drop her weapon and clutch her ears. I extend my scream to the others bringing them to their knees and then a ball on the floor. One doesn't fall as she smirks running at me brandishing her spear. I wait calmly and just as she's about to bring the spear through my stomach I throw up my arms and the shield protects me sending her flying back. I let my song fall and the Dora Milaje slowly rise rubbing their ears and heads.

I pick up one of their spears and brandish it in case the fight is not over yet but his mother holds up her hands and signals the end of the fight. The guards release my mates who rush over to me checking me over glaring at T'challas mother and the Dora Milaje.

"You said we wouldn't be doing that mother." T'challa seethes.

"Don't forget that I am King." He bites, I rub his arm gently trying to calm him.

"I'm okay. She did it the way it should be done. A whole lot better than Odin." He breaks his glare at his mother to look at me. I smile gently and caress his face. He nods and we take our places again so the ceremony can continue.

I look over to Shuri and mouth thank you gesturing to my outfit. She smiles knowingly back and we sit through another painfully long ceremony. We should at least be able to have snacks at these things I could really go for a cupcake right now-

"The queen of Wakanda! Marianna Anastasia Yanis!" Oh shit I snap out of my thoughts and stand smiling and waving accepting the cheers erupting through the room as T'challa stands and kisses me the cheers rising as people begin throwing flowers. Celebrations begin immediately as people begin coming up to us and offering us all types of gifts and introducing themselves everyone is extremely kind giving us blessings and well wishes.

Over the music I hear a familiar voice and turn around with a nervous smile.

"Hello Marianna."

"It's nice to me you Mrs. Udaku-"

"Ramonda." She smiles, "I hope you'll forgive me for earlier."

"T'challa had to prove he was worthy. It's only right I do the same." I say and she squints at me with a smirk.

"What he and Shuri have told me seem to be true. Be good to my son and, thank you for the gift." She smiles reaching to her chest running her fingers over the gold necklace that reads "T'chaka".

T'challa comes up to us freed from the swarming people for a moment and looks cautiously between us.

"Everything okay?" He leans down and pecks my lips.

"Yes my love. Everything is perfect."

"Good. As much as I want to celebrate there are matters that need to be attended to by the King and Queen so if you'll excuse us mother."

"Congratulations." She says with a smile before we leave. We walk through the halls hand in hand and I look at him waiting for him to tell me what's going on. He never does and we end up in front of a wall. Just a wall.

"These are the important matters we had to attend to?" I ask unimpressed.

"Would you wait a minute you brat." He nudges me and approaches the wall, I stick my tongue out and he winks turning back to the wall.

He holds up his hand and the wall fades under his hand. He reaches back and hold out his free hand to me and I take it. He pulls us through a wall and we end up in a large room with high tech lab equipment, computers, all different types of sciencey shit, and high tech weaponry and armors.

He pulls me over to one of the computers and holds my hand up to it like he did to the wall.

"Now you'll be able to get into here and allow or not allow anyone you want in here."

"Thanks." I smile.

"Don't thank me. You are the queen it's only right." He smiles back brushing hair out of my face. He leans back down to the computer again and I watch as he puts on music.

I look at him amused but confused.

"We're married. And all we've been able to do is handle political matters. I wanted a moment for us. Just you and me. Husband and wife." He holds out his hand and I gladly take it. (The song attached at the top is the song I imagine a man like T'challa would dedicate to the person he loves.)

We hold each other close as I rest my head on his chest, his large warm hands resting on my lower back as we slowly sway together. I breathe deeply through my nose appreciating his manly earthy smell.

As the song finishes we kiss each other breathily whispering between kisses our love for each other.

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