Chapter Twenty- Two

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I wake up smiling feeling Natashas arm draped over me. I open my eyes and look at her peaceful face. I run my fingers over her plump pink lips. She shifts and I pull away not wanting to wake her up. I gently move from under her arm and go to the bathroom to take a much needed shower. I take a quick shower, change into black sweats and a Star Wars tee shirt, and make my way to the kitchen.

Everything is still quiet in the tower signaling everyone is still asleep. I put food and water in Veritys bowls and begin taking out ingredients.

I pull out my phone and quietly play music starting banana muffins. I dance around mixing the ingredients in the bowl. Once I get them into the pans and into the oven I begin placing bacon onto a few pans and popping it into the second part of the double oven.

I check on my banana muffins then decide to get started on the hash browns. I chop the potatoes and heat up a pan of oil dropping my chopped potatoes in carefully. I quickly start the scrambled eggs and toast and take the banana muffins out of the oven. I mix around the eggs I have on the stove and pop more bread into the toaster. I make a massive amount of coffee and start squeezing some orange juice. I pause to take the eggs off and put more on also taking out the bacon and resume squeezing orange juice. I finally finish giving my hands a good wash to no avail, my hands will be smelling like orange forever. I also finish getting the eggs ready and all the small stuff.

"Friday where is everyone?" I ask.

"They all slept in the screening room Mrs. Stark." I blush and roll my eyes with a wide smile. Fucking Tony. Also they all slept together even without me? Aw? My babies are so cute.

I send a soft soothing song to the screening room and Natashas room. Bruce makes his way out first.

"That song is beautiful Marianna." He pecks my lips and wraps his arms around me swaying a little.

Once he notices all the food on the table his eyes widen.

"You made all this by yourself?"

"Yup I hope everything is good." I beam.

"By the looks and smells it definitely will be." He takes a seat and slowly but surely the others file in looking pleased to see the food, giving me kisses and thanks, once you're all sitting everyone begins eating.

I watch Peter (P) pick up a muffin and bite into it closing his eyes and groaning just like he did the first time. When he finishes I reach across the table and grab his face, "you. Are. Too. Precious." I say between kisses then sitting back down.

"Tony she didn't make freshly squeezed orange juice for you to make mimosas!" Clint exclaims.

"I'll take this, mimosa." Thor says with a smile.

"I want one!" Peter (P) yells.

I laugh at their crazy antics.

"I'll take a mimosa." I laugh.

"This is why you're my mate." Tony says looking at me with adoration.

"Ah yes, alcohol consumption the epitome of love." Clint says rolling his eyes. Everyone bursts into laughter. We continue to eat, drink, and laugh.

"So I was thinking since I'm all better and back in training that I could go out and hunt tonight." I say excitedly.

"Alone?" Bucky questions.

"Well definitely not with Xavier so yes, alone." I answer.

"Some of us will go with you." He states.

"Can't risk getting caught together. Shield would have your asses." I retort.

"I think you just like putting yourself in danger." Stephen says.

"I don't like putting myself in danger but I will to help people." I say non apologetically.

"Who helps you?" He questions.

I go silent looking down and fiddling with my hands. After a moment I break the silence, "so what am I supposed to do? I love the hunt and helping people, I can't give it up." I state.

"Why don't you join us? Become an Avenger?" Natasha suggests hopeful.

I laugh. They all raise their eyebrows watching me. I laugh harder.

"Me? An Avenger?" I'm cackling now, tears are streaming down my face.

"Oh sweet Neptune-" I almost fall out of my chair from laughing so hard.

They all watch me like

"Oh man" I clutch my side, "I'm really sorry, she really said-" I start laughing again

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"Oh man" I clutch my side, "I'm really sorry, she really said-" I start laughing again.

"She really said ME an Avenger." I cackle out.

"Why is that so funny to you?" Natasha asks annoyed.

"Because I'm me and you guys are you. I kick around drunks in the night and you take on galactic threats. I think you're out my league." I chuckle wiping my eyes.

"I think you don't give yourself enough credit my love. You've only just started training with Bucky, Steve and Bruce and you've already exceeded expectations and you haven't even started with everyone else yet!" Pietro points out.

"And you'll be able to protect us on missions too! We know you want to protect us as much as we want to protect you so this is perfect!" Peter (P) exclaims.

"What about the crimes I commit won't they throw me into a cell?" This time they laugh.

"So long as you commit crimes for them you're fine." Bucky shrugs.

Typical government amiright?

I think for a second before saying, "I'll check it out. See if it's for me."

Wanda claps her hands together.

"I really hope you become an Avenger my love."

I smile.

"I just hope I can get back to kicking ass and helping people soon."

"Well then let's get Nick Fury on the phone."

Sorry for the shorter chapter! Xo

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