Chapter Thirty- Six

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Warning: violence, slavery

"Er well I wasn't exactly planning on having so many people to break out so there is no plan." I answer sheepishly.

"Then what are you here for?" Phil piques up.

"You actually. I'm with shield and was given orders to rescue you and finish your mission. I wasn't told that this facility would actually be holding people so I didn't plan a mass break out but we will improvise."

"We can't do anything with these things on." Yondu motions to the metal cuff on his leg.

I let out a harsh scream not wanting to melt the metal this time but just break it. It bursts into tiny pieces and all sorts of magic starts flying around getting weapons, clothes, healing those with serious wounds from beatings.

"So we fight our way out and figure the rest out as we go, I have to get information before I go so we can take out their whole operation and stop these sick fucks."

"Oh we'll make sure you get that information." A woman brandishing a spear says confidently.

"Thank you." I smile.

"No, thank you. Let's get the hell out of here." Select people stayed in the middle of the crowd creating a barrier around the kids. We make our way and almost immediately run into a group of guards. One of them calls for backup and the rest move to attack. They're subdued quickly as they're very outnumbered. The group continues on towards the exit as I break off to get the information. I hear two pairs of footsteps behind me and turn to see Yondu
and Phil following.

"You guys should get out now with the others, I'll be okay." I say not stopping and checking my watch making sure I'm still going the right way.

"Quill would kill me if he knew I escaped while his mate was still in a building with people who enslave others."

"This was originally my mission. I should at least be there with you." Phil says slightly dejected.

"Just don't get in the way." I say picking up my speed. We run into a couple guards but take them out easily. Most are preoccupied with the others. I hope they're okay.

We finally get to their lab and I plug in the USB as Yondu and Phil keep lookout. We can hear fighting from a distance.

"Poseidon be with them." I murmur to myself.

The process takes forever but it finally finishes and we break into a run towards the sounds of battle.

"I hope this works. Shield." I imagine myself but with Black strong horns and blades for fingernails. Phil and Yondu start to slow in astonishment as the shift actually works, but snap out of it as we turn a corner and enter the mess of bodies fighting. I don't hesitate as a woman runs at me with a raised axe. I dodge her swing ending up behind her. I grab her by her armor and pull her to me finding the open space between the helmet and chest plate and digging my fingers into her flesh ripping her throat out. Her body falls with a clang and I move to take out more. I find the throat ripping to be most effective but I do snap a couple of necks and send my ice piercing through their armor leaving them hung up on the walls their bodies slung over dripping blood.

We kill all of them and share a celebratory cheer and many hugs realizing we lost nobody on our side. We exit and I tear up hearing sobs and seeing people rejoice and mourn what happened to all of them.

A car speeds up and almost hits me as it rolls up.

"What the hell did you do?!" Fury yells.

"What does it look like?! I freed a bunch of people who needed help! I still got the mission done. Isn't this what we're here for?"

He pinches the bridge of his nose.

"No no you're right it just wasn't part of the plan. So please let me know if you have any idea what we are supposed to do with hundreds if not thousands of aliens."

"We get them home obviously." I pull out my phone and call Stephen. He appears in his pjs not even picking up his phone.

"Are you okay?!" He questions pulling me to him looking me over.

"Yes Doctor. I'm okay but I do need your help." I explain to him what happened and he gladly begins taking groups to their home planets. Not a single person leaves without hugging and thanking me.

"Thank you fingernail blade lady!" A little boy runs up and hugs my leg. I smile down at him.

"Thank you for being so brave." I rest my hand on his head and his father comes and thanks me pulling his son off with a bit of struggle (lol kids have death grips) and head into the portal with Stephen with a final wave.

As Stephen brings the last of them to their home I turn to Fury and give him the flash drive.

"Thank you for the shapeshifting thingy. It's.. amazing." I thank him sincerely.

"Don't worry about it. It's just one of the perks of working at S.H.I.E.L.D. Just like the car." He motions towards the Maserati and my jaw drops.

"No fucking way."

"I think the term is thank you but what do I know?"

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I throw my arms around him much to his displeasure and quickly remove myself.

"Sorry sir. Impulse move but thank you so much I've never had anything this nice before not even my bakery!" I laugh.

"I hope this good work continues and I'm able to rely on you Yanis."

"You will be able to sir. I'll continue to show you that every mission." Stephen comes back from his final drop off and I hold up the keys giddily waving them around.

"Guess who just got a fucking Maserati?!" I jump into his arms.

"Im not sure. Who?" He asks sarcastically looking around.

We laugh and I look at him with playfulness in my eyes.

"Let me take you for ride Strange."

"Always Yanis." He hops in the passenger seat and I bid Fury goodbye hopping into the drivers seat.

I grab his hand kiss it and take off.

"Ready for an adventure?"

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