Chapter Eighty

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Warning: violence, gore


"Marianna baby wake up." I slowly open my eyes and am met with a matching pair resembling mine.

"Dad?" I croak out quickly sitting up to get a better look. I rush into his arms when I realize it really is him.

"You're so young." I laugh clinging to him tears streaming down my face.

"Because I died honey." He says softly. I pull away biting my lip.

"Am I?" He stands up moving to the side revealing a blue bassinet.

"You're not doing great baby." He answers as I slowly make my way over to the bassinet my chest tightening and eyes welling with tears when I see a perfect little baby boy. I gently pick the baby up and hold him to me smelling his soft head.

"I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to carry you my baby." I whisper against his brown wispy hair.

I sing a siren lullaby brushing my nose against his little one.

"You can't stay Marianna." I ignore my father and cuddle my baby sitting down.

"Marianna. It's not your time yet. You know this."

"Then why am I here?"

"Because shit happens. You know this. Now get up and get to you mates." I look at my baby and shake my head.

"He needs me.. I need him." My voice cracks running a finger against his soft smooth cheek.

"I have him. And we'll be waiting for you when it is your time." He says taking the baby out of my arms. I protest at first clinging to the child but give in hiccuping from crying so hard.

"I love you baby, your mommies and daddies love you so much." I say before laying back down on the bed I woke up on, my body just some how knowing what to do, knowing this would take me away from my baby and back to my mates.

"I love you dad." I say closing my eyes.

Pain. Anger. Fear. More pain.

I open my eyes painfully coughing from the smoke and debris flying around.  I slowly sit up groaning in pain scanning my body over, I gag smelling my burning flesh and seeing my own skin so burnt I can see my bone. My healing is doing it's best but this is next level. My thoughts are broken by Xavier groaning. He's stuck under a large boulder flames still burning around us. My adrenaline kicks in and I hoist myself up breathing deeply before screaming and obliterating the boulder.

I rush over to him but have to step away to throw up when I see he's missing his leg blood spurting out at an alarming rate. I gather myself and put pressure on it breathing heavily.

His skin is burnt through just like mine and he's barely breathing.

Tears flow down my cheeks as I pull any remaining water from the dry air and wrap it around him. Pain hits me instantly as his leg starts to slowly grow back.

I clench my fists until the palms of my hands are bleeding but I keep going, pain becoming the only thing I could think about. Xavier slowly starts waking up.

"Marianna stop! You're hurt too! It's too much!" I ignore him continuing my song until his leg and foot are back and the rest of his injuries healed.

My body falls like a sack of potatoes and Xavier rushes to me my body convulsing.

"You idiot!" He screams tears filling his eyes as he flips my body to the side.

"I couldn't let you down again." I smirk mouth filled with blood.

I convulse again and throw up blood trying to get fresh air but the smoke makes it impossible. I don't even realize Xavier calling Fury. Loki and Fury teleport in and Loki freezes when he sees me. He covers his mouth eyes filling with tears as he rushes to me picking me up and teleporting all of us out of there and back to the tower.

"I'm so tired." I say through bloody teeth my eyes closing.

"Stay with me baby. Please stay with me."

Loki POV
Her beautiful green eyes flutter closed and my tears spill, landing on her still figure.

Everyone rushes into the lab and shocked gasps and hurt noises fill the lab as I put her frail body down brushing the hair out of her face.

Bruce, Tony, and Stephen immediately get to work but they're not enough. An idea pops into my head and I reach into Natashas pocket taking out her phone dialing Mariannas grandmothers number urgently asking where she lives. Thankfully she's a no shit type of lady and answers quickly with no questions. I teleport to her and bring her grandmother and grandfather to her. They waste no time when they see Marianna on the table to push the three men out of the way matching each other's pitches and healing Marianna. Her skin grows back her broken fingers snap back into place as well as her collar bone. The cuts and bruises heal and disappear the only evidence anything happened to her would be her tattered and burned clothes and soot covered skin.

Marianna POV
My eyes shoot open as I still feel some pain but for the most part it's gone. I open my eyes and see my skin healed and grandparents standing over me relieved.

"We couldn't heal what you healed but we're still useful in other ways." They smile hugging me. That must be the pain I still feel. The pain of growing a whole limb back.

I look at them with a smile, "I grew a foot Yaiyai." She kisses my head.

"I knew you were destined to do great things my girl but even I'm impressed with that."

"Where were you back in the day doll?" Bucky jokes through tear filled eyes.

I open my arms and he moves into them as I caress his hair.

"I'm okay. I'm okay baby." I whisper against him.

"Y-your skin." He shivers remembering the sight.

"C'mon Buck we don't need to relive it." Steve says trying to change the topic sitting at my feet taking one and rubbing it.

"I saw our baby." I look down smiling.

They look at me and then around at each other not sure how to respond.

"And dad." I look at my grandparents with a smile.

"It's not impossible. A lot of people say they see loved ones or god close to death." Vision says.

"He was beautiful." I say closing my eyes trying to remember his smell.

"He?" Wanda questions voice cracking. I nod with tears in my eyes.

"He's gonna wait for us. He's always going to be with us. We will meet him again." I say holding my arms out wanting to be held by all of them.

They move around me as best as they can trying not to crush me.

After a couple minutes of cuddling like that Loki teleports my grandparents home because my yaiyai has bread in the oven. And the dreaded question I knew was coming is asked.

"So what the fuck is this clown doing here?" Natasha fumes looking between Fury and Xavier reaching for her weapon.

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