Chapter Forty- Nine

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Before I renter the ship I turn to Torval, "so the people on this ship are my mates, all 18 of them." He lets out a whistle raising his eyebrows.

"They're not going to like that you're with me but don't worry once I explain things they will agree to the plan."

He doesn't look convinced but I bring the ship in anyways. To no surprise all of them except Peter (Q) who's manning the ship is waiting in the hangar weapons aimed at the ship staying aimed even when we step out hands raised.

"Who is this?" Loki questions.

"His name is Torval. Don't worry he's going to be trying to peacefully solve this issue with us as a representative of Altore IV." They lower their weapons but still look skeptical.

"Your mate freed me and my family from slavery, I would never mean any harm to her. Quite the opposite I'm trying to get her out of a death trap." Torval chimes in with a slightly shaky voice. They look at me to explain so I explain to them everything Dessi, Mina, and Torval told me.

"So we just make sure we're smart and careful." Natasha shrugs. I smile in her direction then turn to Torval.

"See. We will figure it out. There will be no death trap getting us." He still looks unsure but leaves the matter be. Everyone staley introduces themselves still not sure if they can trust Torval. We make our way out of the hangar and I go to head to the cockpit as everyone dispersed but stop when Torval follows me.

"You uh, you don't have to follow me everywhere. Someone can show you around, it can get boring just watching someone fly a ship."

"That's fine." He responds.

"Really it's okay Torval." I urge.

"Altorans are loyal to the core it is why so many of our species were targeted for slavery, not like that's how it works though. You can't force loyalty. So, I am at your beck and call Captain."

"Huntress, or Marianna is fine and thank you but you don't owe me anything. I would say it's my job. But it's more than that. I love doing this, it's my pleasure to be at your beck and call." He smiles but makes no effort to leave my side reinforcing his statement and loyalty. I feel my mates watching us as they go, unhappy. Some all of a sudden coincidentally decide to join us in the cockpit.

I kiss Peter and take over the ship, introducing him to Torval.

"I already know everything I was listening in on the ship comms." He holds out his hand to Torval trying to look intimidating when they shake hands but to me he just looks like a button.

His fake intimidation face changes into a real anger face as Torval takes the seat next to me nonchalantly. It doesn't seem to click to Torval that mates are extremely possessive and that Peter definitely wants to be next to me or he just doesn't care. He looks at me like a kid looking to his mom to scold his sibling that stole the front seat. I chuckle and pretend like I don't notice focusing on my flying.

I click onto the general comms and say into the microphone, "we will be entering hyperdrive please strap in wherever you are." Those who came into the cockpit strap in, Peter (Q) with a huff and a pouty face taking the seat behind me.

"Entering hyperdrive." I put the ship on auto fly and show Torval around the ship. Pietro and Wanda walk with us holding my hands on either side making it difficult to show Torval things but I'll gladly struggle. He thanks us for the room and puts his stuff down joining us again.

"You don't want to settle in?" I ask.

"I will." He answers simply. After showing him around I decide to go back to the dining/ kitchen area and get some food into us. Wanda and Pietro begin warming up to Torval over food and drinks. Making Torval double over with laughter when Wanda sends a little bit of mashed potato with her magic into Pietros hair.

"You can't even easily get it out! It just mixes in!" He yells clearly not as amused as Torval and I.

Once we finish and go back to the cockpit Peter (Q) is the only one left flying the ship.

"What happened to the others?" Wanda asks.

"Sleeping, drinking, working out, all of the above." He shrugs moving out of the seat so I can take over. I kiss him before I take a seat.

"Go rest my love. Thank you for being so reliable." He pulls my face up and leans down to kiss me again.

"I don't think anyone has ever called me reliable and if I am reliable it's only because you make me be that, you make me want to be that." He blushes, I blush, we're all blushing.

"I love you." He kisses me again before leaving.

Torval sits next to me again much to the dismay of the twins but again he doesn't seem to notice.

The next few days continue as peacefully as they could with 18 jealous mates on board. It's a good thing Torval came and not Mina.

He actually starts growing on them aside from the fact that he's "weirdly" loyal to me according to them but they try to remember that it's the way of their species.

I stop the ship and call everyone to the cockpit.

"Okay so we're almost to Jorba. I think we should leave this ship here. I go alone just like I did to Altore and try to talk the Jorbans down." Per usual there is a cacophony of disagreement only this time there is an extra voice joining them.

Also per usual I wait until everyone has expressed why my idea is dangerous and stupid and per usual I explain why they're wrong.

"It worked on Altore. And I know they're different but I proved I'm an excellent pilot, smart, and able to socialize with all different types of people." I look around at my mates referring to their wide range of personalities.

"And if you haven't caught on yet, I can talk my way out of hell." I laugh.

"Fine. But just like last time Stephen will be ready to pop in and get you out." I nod my head beginning to head to the hangar.

Torval catches my arm, "I thought I was supposed to be a representative of Altore."

"I don't think they'll respond well if I just walk in with the species they're currently at war with. If I'm able to talk them down then I'll bring you in as representative." He sighs but nods his head letting my arm go.

I turn to my mates before leaving the cockpit.

"I love you."

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