Chapter Nintey- Two

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"Marianna!" I jump turning around dropping my joint and lighter.

"Don't scare me like that!" I say pushing T'challa.

"You can't be smoking right now much less in the halls!" I look at him apologetically.

"I'm sorry but I haven't had a minute to myself since we danced together last week. I miss Thor, I miss all my mates I barely get to spend time with them now, I can't remember the last time I swam, I'm just stressed so instead of peeing I'm smoking." I lean down to pick up my joint and lighter.

"I'm sorry my love but I promise things will calm down soon enough." He wraps his arms around me and I rest against his chest.

"We must get back." I nod tucking away the joint and lighter following him back to the thousandth political meeting of the day.

Just as we're stepping out of the last meeting for the day my phone rings and I already know my day isn't over.

"Hello my love, there are matters that the queen and king should be here to deal with."

"Is it an emergency?" I asked tiredly.

"Not an emergency but you should come as soon as you can. It has to do with Odin."

"At least I get to see you." I sigh kissing T'challa and going to find Loki.

Once I do Heimdall teleports us to Asgard where Thor is waiting with his arms wide open. I run into them and he picks me up spinning me around kissing me.

Once we've had our fill we make our way to the throne room and sit as Odin stands below us. He waits for permission to speak and bows before doing so.

"I would like to ask for your forgiveness my queen, the people, they've turned against me."

"Have you thought that thats maybe what you deserve?" He goes to answer but I interrupt him.

"Have you thought maybe you should ask for your sons forgiveness as well? No! Of course not. It's still me me me." Thor's eyes widen and Loki smirks.

"Earn our forgiveness then maybe we can see what we can do about the people." He grits his teeth but nods bowing again before leaving.

"Did I really have to come all the way here for that?"

"Maybe I just wanted an excuse to see you. Thor says standing up hovering over me. I smile up at him.

"I guess I can't be too upset then." He leans down and kisses me and I happily return the kiss.

"I can't stay my love. I have to go back."

"I know." He says sadly and I literally feel a pang in my chest.

"Can I come this time and Loki stays?"

"We've got to work on her goddess powers." Loki answers immediately. I know he doesn't want to be away from me either but damn try to have a little compassion for poor Thor. He nods sadly and I kiss him again. He walks us back to Heimdall who gives him a knowing sympathetic look.

"I'll be able to join you in a few days when everything here is sorted out and then we can do what we need to at home, together." I cling to him and try to show him I miss him just as much as he misses me with my kiss.

"I love you." I say before Heimdall teleports us back to Wakanda. We make our way back into the tower and I head right for the room plopping into bed and falling asleep immediately.

That's basically how the next few weeks continue to look like. Extremely busy, no time to spare and tired as fuck. We decided we were still going to do a small ceremony and a wedding party despite already being married. And unfortunately Tony has been able to find therapists that he knows are trustworthy and best equipped to deal with our crazy ass problems.

"Hi Marianna, I'm Dr. Maddex or Alex if you'd like." A brown haired man with glasses and a beard walks in and sits down across from me behind a desk.

"I heard you like sweets." He says pulling out a bowl of candy from his desk.

"From who?" I question suspiciously.

"From.. me?"

"No. Who did you hear that from."

"Your husband, Tony."

"Oh." He nods and pushes the bowl closer. I don't take any candy but he leaves it there for me.

"You don't seem happy to be here." He speculates.

"Pick up on that did ya?" I answer sarcastically.

He laughs, "this should be fun." I roll my eyes.

"So why are you here then? Since you so obviously don't want to be here."

"I told my spouses I would go to therapy."

"Why?" I bite my cheek but answer.

"So they didn't have me institutionalized." He nods writing stuff.

"Why did they want that?"

"No clue."

"That's not true but that's okay you can share what you want when you want."

"Anything you want to share?" He asks writing more notes.

"Not really."

"Okay then. What was your childhood like?"

Stupid slut

I can't wait for the day I kill you

You're worth nothing

I shut Aaron's voice and face out and smile.

"Good." He nods clearly not believing a word coming out of my mouth.

"You know your trial was public. Why lie to me when you know I know the truth?"

I hesitate before answering looking down at my hands fidgeting.

"It's easier I guess." I answer truthfully for the first time since I sat down.

"It can be, until it's not. Until everything pours out of you like an overflowing cup."

He looks at his clock and smiles.

"I think we've hit a good point to pause until next time. I'm hoping there will be a next time, yes?"

"I told them I would try. So yes." I answer shaking his hand and taking my leave, Tony, Clint, and Gamora all stepping out of their own sessions. We breathe a sigh of relief and smile seeing each other gathering in a group hug.

"This is shit." I say making them burst out in laughter.

"True but hopefully it will help. All of us." Gamora smiles taking my hand and leading me back to the car where Happy is waiting with burgers, fries, and milkshakes.

"Thanks dad." I jokingly say getting into the car grabbing a burger and happily biting into it. If I get food after each session like this maybe it won't be so bad.


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