Chapter Seventy- Seven

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Cold water droplets startle me awake I look around and smile when I see a happy dolphin spraying water at me and T'challa. There are blankets over us and I suppose we have my other lovers to thank for that.

I stand up and stretch receiving an approving whistle from T'challa.

"You should stop doing that unless you want me to take you again." He smirks rolling to his side to admire me.

T'challa POV
She is the most beautiful creation. I could look at her forever, that smile, those eyes, her perfect hands, everything about her is absolutely radiant. She doesn't even know what she does to me.

She looks over her shoulder and slightly smiles biting her lip.

"Maybe that's what I want."

I shoot up and wrap my arms around her sucking on her neck.

"Temptress." I chuckle running my hands along her body looking out over the ocean. All of a sudden we're sprayed with more water and multiple dolphins spray us this time jumping in and out of the water happily.

She laughs turning in my arms kissing me as we continue to get sprayed.

"Unfortunately I don't think we'll be getting to the fun stuff until we have less of an audience." She laughs looking up at me with those striking green eyes.

Marianna POV
How can one man be so perfect? His dark piercing brown eyes lit up like pools of honey against the morning sun, captivating me and I can't help but stare into them.

I peck his lips and jump into the water shifting under the water popping out with an elegant jump earning a clap from T'challa.

"Very impressive little fishy." I stick my tongue out and crinkle my nose.

"Please don't make that a nickname." I chuckle diving back under the water to play with the dolphins.

After a bit of playing I quickly take a shower and get ready for the day.

After a bit of playing I quickly take a shower and get ready for the day

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"You make it extremely difficult to function when you look that good." Natasha says putting down her tea to kiss me.

"Whatever do you mean." I giggle coyly and she kisses me again pushing me against the wall. I involuntarily whimper into her mouth from the sudden closeness and she pulls away with a smirk.

"And T'challa calls me the temptress." I say out of breath trying to get the heartbeat in my pussy to calm to no avail. She walks away satisfied with herself and I can't help but watch her every move.

The rest of our vacation goes perfectly. We all got to reconnect with each other over fancy dinners and playing in the water, plus plenty of sex. Not even Tony's attitude after a bird shit on him ruined the mood.

It was honestly just what I needed but I'm still happy to be home in a bed I can share with all of my mates and my cat who Elise so graciously watched.

"It was really nice seeing you in your natural habitat, you were so.. free so, peaceful." Scott says unpacking. I smile at him.

"It's always nice to be back in the ocean again."

"Do you ever want to go back? Like for good?" He questions.

I pull out my phone and show him a sea cucumber.

"This is what we frequently ate."

He recoils, "I thought you don't eat fish?"

"It's not a fish it's a sea cucumber. Same with a starfish, but in my opinion the sea cucumber is always the best choice because there is barely anything to eat off a starfish."

Scott nods slowly trying to be understanding. I chuckle.

"Different people eat different things, but I rather have my baked goods over sea cucumber any day so no I wouldn't want to go back permanently. Plus y'know I got 18 other reasons to stay." He pokes my side making me jerk.

"So the food is the top reason and we're just an added bonus." He laughs tickling me.

"You.. got.. it!" I say jerking around trying to escape him.

He laughs and holds his hands up in resignation.

After getting back into the flow of regular life I begin feeling like myself again, until waiting over pregnancy test after pregnancy test only to be disappointed every time.

"It's going to happen." Steve says rubbing my back as I toss out yet another negative test.

"I need to do a real mission." I say moving out of his touch and pulling out my phone to text Fury that I'm coming in for something good. I don't wait for a response as I take off to Loki so he can teleport me. 

Once Loki teleports out Fury looks at me fed up but amused.

"Usually I tell my agents when I have a mission for them, not the other way around Yanis."

"Does that mean you're not giving me anything?" I cut to the chase.

He rolls his eye, "follow me." He walks out and we start heading to a part of the building I'm unfamiliar with. My instincts kick in and a bad feeling grows in the pit of my stomach.

"Where are we going?" I question slowing my steps to fall behind.

"You'll see Yanis. Let's go."

I reluctantly follow him my curiosity outweighing my fear.

We enter a regular almost homey hallway and Fury opens a nice dark wooden door revealing a large bedroom nicely decorated, nothing too extravagant but nothing I'd complain about. Decor aside I'm not sure what this room has anything to do with a mission.

I turn around and look at Fury confused, "are you going to explain or are we just going to stand in this room?"

He rolls his eye as I hear the other door in this room creak open the smell of soap quickly filling my senses. I turn around and see Xavier only covered by a towel hanging low on his waist.

"You son of a bitch." My lower lip quivers as
I turn to Fury.

"Yan-" he tries to say but I interrupt him, "you son of a fucking bitch you promised me!" I scream my voice cracking and tears flowing as I pull out my knife and press it to his throat drawing a bit of blood.

"Marianna, let me explain." He says frantically eyes darting around my face. I pull the knife away from his neck but keep it pointed at him pulling out my gun and pointing it at Xavier.

"It better be good. Your lives depend on it."

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