Chapter Eighty- Eight

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"Welcome back to the land of the living Goddess of the sea, unity, and protection." I hear Friggas soft voice whisper. I peel my eyes open and am immediately surrounded by my mates.

"Am I dead?" I ask happily hugging them never wanting to let go.

"No. And you can never do that to us again." Natasha says lip trembling as she moves my hair out of my face.

"I don't understand." I look her in the eyes confused, seeking answers. Everyone backs off a little so we can talk normally. They look all around the room, at their fingers, their feet anywhere but my eyes.

"Odin, wanted to test you. He wanted to see if you were fit to be the future queen, and that you were marrying his sons for the right reasons, not the throne. But he went too far." Frigga explains.

"Too far?!" Bruce screams skin turning partially green. I reach out to him and he calms resting in my arms.

"So you're not leaving me?" I ask quietly afraid of the answer even as Bruce rests in my arms.

"Never. Especially now that we're married." Bruce smiles turning in my arms.

My eyebrows raise, "married?"

"Don't you feel different? Stronger?" Loki asks with a slight smirk.

"I mean I've kinda been preoccupied so I wasn't paying attention but now that you say something I do." Loki holds a mirror up to me and my eyes widen as I run my hand over my flawless skin. I know I'm pretty woman but damn becoming a goddess did me good.

"So am I Mrs. Maximoff Stark Lang Quill Udaku Barton Banner Barnes Odinson Laufeyson Wilson Rogers Parker Strange Zen Whoberi Ben Titan Romanova now?"

"Holy shit no." Stephen shakes his head.

"We're Yanis' now!" Peter (P) beams.

"Some of us will be hyphenating but yes we are." Thor smiles.

"I think we're all being a bit too jovial." Tony interrupts. Everyone glares at him except me as I lower my head.

"You tried to kill yourself Marianna." I bite my lip unable to look at him. He pulls my chin up and forces me to look him in the eyes.

"You are everything to me. Losing you is my worst nightmare and I don't even want to think about what I would've done if you were gone." He says brushing the pad of his thumb along my chin.

"I think when we get him you should be institutionalized." I turn my head my eyes slightly widening as I search his eyes. He's not joking. Fuck.

"What does that mean?" I hear Thor whisper yell.

"It's a mental hospital." Clint answers. Thor still looks a bit confused but nods.

"Hard pass." I say pulling my face out of his hand meeting his eyes on my own now.

"I thought you all left me. 18 soulmates lost at once not to mention I was already mentally fucked from being locked in with wolves and a woman who tried to kill me. Speaking of did I actually kill her?"

"Yes. Odin knew they would never go along with having them leave you but Sif was quite eager to try her hand at taking out the future queen." Frigga answers.

"She has a point Stark, I'd probably do the same if she left me. Never mind if I had 17 others I loved the way I love her leave me all at the same time." Steve says sadly.

"I thought about it when we thought we lost her." T'challa says rubbing his arm. I move over to him and wrap my arms around him.

"I just can't lose you." Tony almost whispers, body shaking tears threatening to spill. I hold an arm out to him and he moves into my embrace with T'challa.

"And I can't lose any of you."

"So what do we do?" T'challa sniffles.

"For starters we don't let Odin anywhere near us again." I laugh trying to ease the tension, little sniffley giggles fill the room.

"I will see a therapist but I'm not suicidal so I don't want to go to an institution." I say compromising. Tony accepts this nodding in my arms nuzzling into me.

"I think we could all use someone to talk to." I say really thinking about it.

"I'll look into a few different therapists, make sure they're trustworthy and whatnot." Tony says.

"Not to interrupt your time together but we must get Marianna and you two boys ready."

"Ready?" I ask slightly scared for the answer.

"Odin will be stepping down, Thor, Loki, and yourself will be coronated as the kings and queen of Asgard, your other mates the lords and ladies." I grab my head and feel reassuring hands on my back.

"I'm not ready." I say frantically looking up.

"If you weren't ready Odin wouldn't have stepped down wrongdoings and all." Frigga says pulling me up leading me out of the healers bay my mates following us. She brings me to my room and gasps opening the door, she tries to close it but it's too late, we all see the remains of today? Yesterday's? Events.

The cut down noose lies sprawled on the floor with the knocked over chair everything still shattered and destroyed from my scream.

I see the sadness, fear and pain on all of their faces.

"We'll get you ready elsewhere." She says awkwardly leading us to Loki's extravagant room where the rest of my mates aside from Loki and Thor are escorted elsewhere to get ready. Many women file in wasting no time in stripping me down and getting to work.

Loki and Thor watch in amusement as the same is done to them. They're a lot more used to it and laugh at my embarrassed face when one of the woman full on cups my tit. Once all the poking and prodding is through, Loki and Thor are escorted out and a long line of extravagant dresses are lined up. I look through the dresses and honestly would be happy with any of them but one in particular pulls at my heart.

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"Wow." Frigga says admiring me clasping her hands together.

"Are you ready to become queen?"

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