Chapter Sixty- Two

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"Happy holidays! Have a good one!"

"Thanks, you too."

"Elise I need the afternoon danishes please!" She rushes in with a tray of danishes.

"Ah perfect timing." She arranges them in the glass display as I continue taking orders. Derek walks into the door with a big smile.

"You're cheery today." I smile back his energy contagious.

"It's the best time of year to work at a bakery! People are so much happier when they're getting dessert for the holidays and they tip so much better!"

"Well I'm glad to see you doing well." I smile kindly taking my apron off and putting my jacket on.

"If you need me you know just call me and I'll be back right away." He nods and they bid me goodbye as I step out into snowy New York. I quickly stop by Georges cart giving him an assortment of muffins before taking my coffee and heading to the shopping centers.

I admire all the Christmas decorations before someone bumps into me and the coffee spills all over me.

"Oops sorry slut." My body heats with rage but I step into an alley whispering to myself, "shield." I change my outfit and my face stepping out of the alley. I take a deep breath and try to not let the woman ruin my Christmas shopping fun.

It's not long before I completely forget what happened as I'm emerged into shopping. I look around at my growing pile of bags and pull out my phone. In about ten minutes the savior of shopping arrives.

"Happy! Thank you for coming so quickly!" I say in my voice so he'll recognize I'm disguised.

"You called me here for Christmas shopping? Is that what my job means to you?" I bite my lip and look down at the bags in my hands.

"C'mon it's cold and I still have more shopping to do!" I plead.

"You need more?!"

"18 mates, Happy. And that doesn't include the other people I love in my life. 18 mates. Let that sink in. Yes I need more." He throws his hands but takes the bags from me putting them into his car before closing the door and walking ahead of me. I jog and catch up to Happy who is anything but.

We make our way to different shops Happy helping carry bags and even helped me pick out a few things he thought Tony would like. He perked up though when I got him hot chocolate and a warm cookie.

"Don't you have any shopping you need to do?" I ask Happy as I shift through different boxers.

"I'm working. Don't you think boxers are a bad gift?"

I laugh, "not when Buckys boxers has more holes in it then Swiss cheese, and not really, I'm not Tony you don't work for me, shop." I shrug my shoulders.

"I wouldn't even know where to start." He murmurs leaning against the wall. I pay for the boxers I pick out and leave the store.

"Well I can help you if you want. I'm a pretty decent shopper." I say joining his side again as we move through the crowded sidewalk. He nods and we shop together now his mood picking up.

We have a good time humming the Christmas music in the stores holding up things to each other and spending a lot more than necessary. I get Tony now. Buying things for people you love is fun.

Happy and I drop our bags off and stop at a cute little restaurant for dinner. As Happy goes up to wait for our food I get a call from T'challa.

"Hi sexy." I answer with a purr.

I can hear his smile as he answers, "hello gorgeous. How's work?"

"It's good. Busy because the holidays but that's how I like it."

"Good I'm glad to hear it. I'm going to pick you up at 8 okay?"

"It's okay babe I think I'm gonna walk with Elise maybe go back to her place for a few." I feel bad for lying and even worse when I hear his voice in his reply.

"Oh, alright. If you need anything call me. Come home soon my queen, I love you."

"I lo-"

"Marianna do you want ketchup?" Happy interrupts loudly.

"I love you too baby bye!" I hang up the phone glaring at Happy.

T'challa POV
Marianna hangs the phone up and I look around at everyone's expectant faces.

"What did she say?" Peter (P) asks.

"I think she's having dinner with Happy. I could've sworn I heard his voice ask if she wanted ketchup."

I'm not mad she's having dinner with Happy but why did she lie about it? As I ponder it clicks when I see the falling snow and I chuckle to myself.

"The dork is secret Christmas shopping."

Marianna POV
"There's no way they figured it out just from that!" Happy bites sadly into his steak and cheese.

"They definitely know." I roll my eyes dipping my chicken into the culprit of the situation.

"They don't know what the gifts are though!" He redeems himself.

"True. But now that they know you have to hide the gifts for me."

"Deal." He shakes my hand and we laugh.

"Thanks for coming Happy." He nods with a small smile. We finish our food and I almost fall out of my seat when he tells me stories about Tony when he was younger.

He holds the door open for me and I step out into the cold air still giggling, "and then this one time these girls came-" my laughing stops immediately.

"I don't think you want to tell me this unless you want to see what an incredibly jealous siren looks like." He laughs and holds up his hands in defeat. We finish up shopping and he drives us back to Stark Tower where my mates are all sitting in the lounge with big smiles on their faces.

I pout.

"Could you at least pretend not to know assholes." Their wide goofy grins remain and I giggle falling onto them accepting the attack of hugs and kisses.

"Hearing your laugh and seeing your smile again is a true blessing my love." Loki says pecking my nose.

I just hope it lasts.

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