Chapter Eleven

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We fill Peter and Gamora in on me being a siren, kicking criminal ass, and Xavier.

"A beautiful badass." Peter says grinning.

"Yes she is." Gamora agrees.

"I agree but that doesn't mean I don't have my concerns." Tony speaks up. Everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"We all care about you so much already we don't want anything to happen to you." Wanda adds.

I nod my head in understanding. "I know, and I care about you all so much already too so I know I'm going to be feeling the same way when you go out to save the galaxy. But that doesn't mean we stop helping." I state.

"She is right. We can not stop her from helping just as she can't stop us from helping, but we can make sure she is ready for anything." T'challa says.

"Like train her ourselves?" Peter (P) questions.

"Who better?" T'challa questions raising his eyebrows.

"Uh, slow down there. I don't think I like the idea of you brutes manhandling my mate." Tony says.

"Our mate." Loki says glaring at Tony.

"Either we train her and manhandle her as you say and teach her how to fight and be a weapon or someone out there can manhandle and kill her." T'challa says.

This causes an uproar.

"Nobody will ever get the chance!"

"Never in a million years."

"I will tear anyone limb from limb if they dare try to harm her." A cacophony of voices yell, I can't even tell who's saying what.

"REALISTICALLY!!" T'challa yells over the others.

"Realistically none of us can guarantee Mariannas safety when she does what she does and when she has the mates that she does. How many enemies do just you alone have Tony?"

Tony doesn't answer for a minute before saying, "Okay then. We train her."

"Do I get I say?" I question sarcastically finally speaking up.

"I'm not sure is your say that you're going to accept this training?" Tony answers back just as sarcastically.

"I mean I'm not sure if you all forgot but I've been doing this. I'm trained. I learned my magic from my dads books and his mother. I learned how to fight and protect myself from my mother and personal trainers." I say.

"Yes but were they really at the skill level we are?" Natasha asks softly trying to be respectful of my mother. Ughhhh she's right.

"Okay. I'll do the training." I state holding my hands up in defeat.

"So what does my work even mean for you guys? I mean most of what I do isn't legal. I don't have a fancy organization to call all of the illegal shit I do legal like you guys." I say half jokingly.

"We're not just allowed to break the law love." Pietro says.

"But if you guys take down a criminal you get a Gold star where as if someone like me who isn't an Avenger takes a criminal down will get charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, assault of a persons, torture, murder. You know just to list a few of the fun stuff." I say.

"I do what most of you do or have done in the past. I just don't have the same coverage." I say laughing.

"But I don't want to make you feel like you have to lie for me." I add.

"I don't think any of us feel like we have to lie for you. I think we feel like we need to protect your secret. Because you're right." Natasha says. Everyone murmurs and nods in agreement.

"So... are we telling people about her?" Peter (P) questions.

"Not yet but we're going to have to address the public." Wanda answers. I nod. I want to keep us private for as long as possible and get to have time together without being in the public eye.

"And.. who.. gets to.. you know.. be with you first?" Peter (P) questions embarrassed and nervous looking at me. My face turns red at his question.

"I- Uh- I don't- um- that's- fuck." That's all I can manage to get out shocked that not only did someone ask about sex in front of everyone but that someone was PETER.

"It's not a plan Peter!" Wanda says.

"Marianna gets to choose who she gets to be with when." She adds.

Thank Poseidon for Wanda. I send her a thankful look and she smiles back at me.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean anything bad! I'm just excited- I mean not excited- but wait- that doesn't mean I'm not excited of course I'd be excited to be with my mate- please someone stop me." Peter says embarrassed.

I rub his back, "it's okay Peter I'm not upset." I laugh. He relaxes and enjoys my touch.

"So when will I start my training?" I ask.

"As soon as possible." Tony answers.

"Well I still have a shift at the bakery this afternoon. I'm interviewing someone so if that goes well I'll have a free schedule besides when Xavier texts me." I say.

"So is that the last order of business?" I giggle.

Everyone looks around nodding their heads murmuring "yeahs."

"Move in." Tony breaks through the chatter.

"Who me?" I ask my eyes widening.

"No the other 18 people here who already have rooms. Yes you." Tony retorts.

"You've only known me for two days. You really want me to move in just like that?" I ask.

"I don't want to waste anymore time Marianna. I want to build a life with you and with them." He gestures to the rest of my mates. My eyes well with tears and I jump into his arms and kiss him passionately letting the tears flow. I kiss him hard gripping his hair in my hands as he lightly lifts me off the ground.

"Yes." I say breathily connecting my lips to his again. We make out until Bruce clears his throat to signal we've been in our own world for a hot minute. I laugh as I pull away and turn to the rest of them looking excited and pulling them into hugs.

"I can't wait to start our lives together my loves." I say to all of them.

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