Chapter Thirty- Four

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"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I jump on the bed effectively waking up all my mates.

"Today is the daayyyy!" I sing

"Sorry what day would that be again?" Loki laughs sleepily. I give him a playful whack.

"You know what day it is brat. It's the bakery's re-opening!" He chuckles and pulls me against his bare chest.

"You know I could never actually forget my love."

"I know." I respond nuzzling into him.

"Especially when I've been talking about it 30 times a day for the last few days." I laugh while rising knowing if I stay on him any longer the bakery will not be opening today.

"Everybody be ready to go by 7:30! Steve you're with me."

"Yes ma'am." Steve responds as everyone slowly rises to get ready and Steve and I head to my en-suite to shower. Once we shower we continue getting ready saving getting dressed for last teasing each other.

Steve looks me over with approval

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Steve looks me over with approval.

"We really are the luckiest people." I peck his lips and giggle.

"Funny cause I think the same about myself anytime I look at you." He blushes and I check the time.

"C'mon babe we've gotta go."

We get to the kitchen and nobody is there.

"It's almost time shouldn't a couple of them be ready?" My question is answered as they all enter together looking g o o d. I blush at the sight of them.

"Wow you all look hot."

"Right back at ya doll." Bucky responds with a wink.

Everybody grabs containers with baked goods in them and Stephen opens up a portal into my bakery.

I gawk at the fact that with this new redesign we're all able to fit pretty comfortably inside the bakery. I start putting out all the treats and such out on display. By the time I finish it's just about that time to be opening. A large crowd has gathered outside. I recognize some of my locals but a large majority of the people out there are either paparazzi or Avengers fans.

My mates and I step out and are met with flashing cameras and questions about me, themselves, the bakery, a cacophony of questions. Once the noise dies down I begin to speak.

"Thank you everyone for coming to the re-opening of Baked With Love!" I look around the crowd and start seeing familiar faces, my mother, George, Elise, Derek, I smile at them before my eyes fall on Xavier my smile falling but I quickly remember I'm giving a speech and get myself together.

"For most this is just a bakery. But for people like me, like Elise Monroe who so bravely took on four women by herself to defend this bakery, it is so much more. It is peace, it is bringing a smile to people's faces if only for a minute, it is home. So thank you for coming here and celebrating with us!" Everyone cheers and claps and I step back and pose for pictures in front of the bakery with my mates, and family.

I open the doors and the rush floods in. Elsie and Derek get right to work but before I do I take a framed picture out of my bag and hang it on the wall. I smile when I get it level and step back to admire it.

It's the photo Tony had Friday take of all of us the morning we had a food fight. It's the perfect depiction of Baked With Love. I admire it for a second longer before getting to work.

As the rush begins to slowly flow out the face I've been dreading approaches the counter.

"One banana muffin please I know they're the best thing here." Xavier requests.

"Sorry treacherous assholes don't deserve banana muffins." I bite back crossing my arms.

"What the fuck are you doing here Xavier?"

"I was at the opening of this bakery, I thought I should be at the re-opening."

"Well you thought wrong."

"I'm sorry Yan-." I cut him off.

"You don't get to call me that."

"I'm sorry Marianna. I'm a coward, and I should've done better by you. You've been nothing but loyal and a good friend to me and I sold you out to save my own ass." I cut him off again.

"Oh I know what happened I don't need a recap."

"But I'm gonna do better. I'm gonna earn your trust back and show you I love you." My eyes widen at the way he said it. We've told each other we love each other many times as friends, this felt different.

"Excuse me." An agitated voice says from behind Xavier, I look up and see an angry Vision. Woah I've never seen Vision like this it's kinda hot. He moves around the counter and wraps his arm around me protectively.

"You should leave now." He demands more than suggests.

"This is a public place I have every right to be here." Xavier bites back.

"Xavier. Leave. You're creating a scene and that's the last thing I need on opening day."

"Fine, but I'm not going to give up on you Marianna, you're too good to lose." He says sadly taking his leave.

I sigh and busy myself with work trying to ignore Visions questioning gaze, wanting to dismiss the ache in my heart from losing one of my closest friends.

The rest of the day ends up going pretty smooth and we all head home together.

We plop down on the couches exhausted physically and socially.

"So Xavier said he loves you." Vision piques up.

"When the hell was this?" Peter (Q) questions.

"Today at the bakery. We've said I love you as friends plenty of times but this time was different. A) we're not friends. B) it was the way he said it. He said it almost the way you all do."

This displeases them surprise surprise.

"You all know I'm yours." I say.

"Still nobody should give you that kind of affection but us especially not that backstabbing rat." Pietro pouts.

"He said he's not gonna stop trying with me."

"Then we'll just have to kill him." Loki grins. I shoot him a look.

"Tch. Fine no killing."

"Gee thanks." I respond sarcastically.

All of a sudden my phone beeps and I see it's a text from Fury. He sends me an address and tells me to get there ASAP alone.

"Sorry loves, I've gotta go." I say holding up my phone.

"I love you all."

I take off only stopping to change and grab my weapons.

When I get to the destination Fury is there waiting with a bag.

"Let's go Yanis."

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