Chapter Thirty- Five

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Warning: slavery

"What's in the bag?" I question jogging to catch up to  the now moving Nick Fury.

He stops and opens the bag pulling a small circular object out.

"Open up." He gestures to my mouth.

"I'd rather not thanks tho-" the rest of my sentence gets cut off from Fury shoving the object to the roof of my mouth, it latches on and I can't spit it out no matter how hard I try it buries itself into my skin and sinks in so when I run my tongue over it I can't feel it anymore.

"What the fuck did you do to me?!" I panic shoving Fury against the nearest building.

"Relax Yanis. Say shield and imagine Cap."

"Shield." I close my eyes and imagine my handsome mate I can't help a small grin growing on my face as I do.

"Open your eyes." I listen and furrow my brows letting go of Fury.

"Why am I up higher?" Fury pulls a mirror out and shows me what's supposed to be my face but is instead the handsome face I love. My eyes? His eyes? Widen in the mirror as I bring my hand to touch Steve's face in shock.

"What the fuck did you do to me?"

Now say shield again and imagine yourself. I do what he says and watch myself transform back in the mirror keeping my eyes open this time.

"New shield technology. Specifically made for you. You shift into a mermaid so I thought why not try to take that a step forward and see if your body could handle other shifts. It was obviously a success. You're welcome."

"You're welcome? If it was specifically made for me that means its never been tested. Do you even know what would've happened to me if it didn't work?!"

"No and now we don't have to find out."

"You could've just told me jackass."

"This was more fun." He says making me roll my eyes in response.

"What do you need me to do anyways? I'm guessing you didn't just come here to force a shapeshifting power down my throat.. literally." I laugh.

"Shield agents have been investigating a group rumored to be involved with intergalactic slave trade. We sent an agent in and he hasn't reported back in days which means something went wrong and he's been found out. I need you to go in and finish his original mission of getting all the information off their systems with this," he hands me a high tech USB, much heavier and complex looking than a regular USB.

"I know you're not a hacker so this should do all the work for you, all you have to do is plug it in and wait for everything to transfer. And get our agent out of there. He shows me a picture of an older man and I burn his face in my memory.

"His name is Phil Coulson. This is who you'll be going in as." He holds up a picture of a younger woman maybe early 30's. Fair skin, Blonde hair and Brown eyes, not too tall but not short either, sophisticated but still slightly laid back taste of dressing.

"Shield." I keep this image in my head and look in the mirror with a satisfied grin.

"Have any videos?" I ask. He looks confused but pulls one up of her giving some bullshit speech justifying what she does to other twisted likeminded people. I watch her mannerisms and clear my throat, changing the pitch to match her exactly.

"I'm a stupid bitch who enslaves people! Bow before me mwhahahaha." I say in her voice turning to Fury who's watching me with bewilderment.

"How's that? Seems like something she'd say right?" I laugh.

"You sound just like her." He says still looking bewildered. He shakes his head and remembers that we have a mission to do.

"Before you go you have to give me your weapons." He hesitantly says, I recoil.

"You want me to separate from my trusty babies?"

"Give em up Yanis." He holds out his hand, I comply and hand over all my weapons and am given a watch in return. Fury tells me where to go. It's not far. He also tells me her name is Alice Hine.

I'm given immediate access into the building as soon as I approach in the Maserati Fury let me use. There is a metal detector so I'm glad Fury took my weapons.

"Ms. Hine we weren't notified that you would be coming today." A man approach's me wearing what I'm guessing is Alien armor wielding an Alien weapon no doubt stolen from the very beings he enslaves.

"I didn't realize I had to notify the people who work for me when I was coming to my facilities." I bark not even looking at the man.

"Apologies." He bows his head.

"Leave me be." I wave him off. Once I'm alone I turn on the watch and a holographic map of the facilities are before me. I head in the direction on the map where they keep the prisoners.

I enter and have to hold myself back from gagging over the putrid smells. The guards in here don't even seem to smell it at all. Then I finally take a look around. Hundreds of different species of Aliens all ages, all genders, locked in tiny cages that has their own urine and waste collecting on the floor. They're all naked and beaten. My stomach turns and I hold back tears forming in my eyes. A guard takes a little girl out of the cage and starts tying her up to a post picking up a whip.

"Leave and turn off security cameras. I want private time with my slaves." I order them taking the whip from the guards hands. I wait until I know the cameras are off before untying the little girl. She looks scared and confused.

"Don't worry I'm here to help." I try to reassure her taking a step away and focusing my silent note on all of the locks on the cages melting them. The Aliens don't waste a second rushing out of their cages grabbing the same weapons that were used to beat them and turn it on me.

"Oh shit. Yeah you're probably not too crazy about me right now." I finally see Phil in the crowd and perk up at him. He looks very confused and I quickly change my shape before the crowd attacks me.

"Anyone recognize her?" One of the Aliens brandishing a weapon asks.

"That's my boys mate." A blue Alien steps up.

"Sent me so many pictures of her before I got locked up here, no way I could forget that face. She's no threat." The man adds. Everyone lowers their weapons and I take a breath of relief.

"Names Yondu, Starlords daddy." He smirks holding his hand out, I shake it with a smile.

"Marianna. But it seems like you already know that." I laugh.

"So then Marianna what's the plan?"

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