Chapter Sixteen

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Tw: Violence

I am forced awake when I feel metal spikes impale my throat I let out a gargled scream blood already building, the spikes retract and my healing takes over. I try to move but my hands and feet are chained up, the spikes stab me in my throat and remain they don't retract this time. I look at the man responsible and am met with a grungy looking middle aged man who is smirking watching me suffer.

"Does it hurt bitch?" He sneers.

"Oh wait you can't answer." He laughs out.

"This is what you get for paralyzing and getting a member of my gang arrested. He told me all about your little witch bitch powers so I put word out to all my people to keep an eye out for someone who hides in the shadows and behind magic and lo and behold I found you. I had to be sure so I took a little trip to your Xaviers house, he was very cooperative and told us all about you. We promised him he'd live but now that we see he didn't lie to us and we have you we can kill him." He says casually.

Tears run silently down my face as I try not to move so the spikes don't move deeper. I feel my heart hurt from fear, from betrayal, I take this pain and fear and feel an unfamiliar song flow naturally out of my mouth the spikes are still in so I let it tear my throat and heal over it, water rushes out of the man who chained me up and the water rushes at the chains freeing me with one slice I look around and see other people water pouring out of their bodies dropping just like the man who attacked me. Must be his gang. Not like they were going to help me so I don't feel so bad. I finish my song and the water falls around their dead bodies. I look around and discover I'm in a dank abandoned building. I run out of the building holding the injuries on my throat the healing can only do so much. I recognize where I am and start moving towards home I try to take small alley ways so nobody sees me, I'm moving a lot slower than usual and have to stop to breathe a few times.

I try to speak to myself but no noise comes out just a shock of massive pain. So instead I think just get to your mates just get to them and you'll be okay. I push my body to keep moving and finally see the tower. At this point I'm basically crawling, I push the door open and try to yell for Friday to get help. I pass out from the pain and blood loss.

When I open my eyes again I'm met with 3 relieved tired faces with tears going down their cheeks.

"Don't cry I'm okay my loves." I say groggily to Sam, Loki, and Clint.

"How is my throat not fried?" I question confused.

"Our different magics work on non magical injuries. We can heal you when you get hurt but not when you take the pain from others." Stephen explains from behind. I look around and see the rest of my mates with him. I smile sleepily at them.

"Thank you for healing me." I say embarrassed I even needed help.

"Do not ever thank us for doing what we're supposed to do. We love you, there is no thanks needed." Wanda declares wholeheartedly.

"I love you all so much." I try to sit up so I can be closer to all of them but Clint gently rests me back down shaking his head in a don't try to get up again manner. I listen and lay back.

"Has anyone seen Xavier!?" I hurriedly ask.

"After we found you-" Scott begins stopping taking a breath to steady his emotions.

"After we found you alone and hurt like that we tracked him down and he told us everything. He's locked up right now, some think we should swiftly end his being others think we should torture him and make him suffer. But we know you won't want either of those so we will respect that and do as you want." He says finishing with a deep breath.

"Thank you all for not maiming or killing him." I half laugh.

"It was hard." Natasha says clenching her jaw.

"I need to speak with him please." I say looking around at them. All their faces change from anger to worry.

"I don't think that's a great idea beautiful." Bruce says.

"Yes my love you should rest more." Thor adds furrowing his brows.

"I know you're all worried but I need to talk to him. You're all more then welcome to come but I have do this." I state.

Peter (P) grabs a wheelchair and Sam lifts me up off the bed and gently places me into the wheelchair. He gives me a kiss on my forehead before wheeling me out of the medical wing and to the cells.

I see Xavier sitting on the floor with his knees up and head hanging between them. His head shoots up when he hears their footsteps and my wheelchair.

"Marianna thank God you're okay." He runs up to the bars.

"Back up." Steve demands glaring daggers at him. He does what Steve says backing away with his hands up.

"Please Marianna know that I am so sorry. I was scared for my life."

Anger bubbles inside of me.

"YOU were scared for your life?! You selfish fucking bastard. Why didn't you just tell me?! Why didn't you fucking lie to them?!" I yell disgust painted on my face.

"I'm sorry." He says looking down unable to make eye contact.

"Oh he's sorry. That's great. I'm all better now. Screw you." I hiss. I feel a hand on each of my shoulders and turn to see T'challa and Gamora. I relax a little under their touch.

"I think it goes without saying that I'm done working with you. You're lucky I don't rip your heart out and feed it to the pigs, I had spikes tearing apart my vocal cords over and over again and it still didn't hurt as much of the thought of you betraying me." I shakily breathe out.

"And if you breathe a word about me to anyone I will hunt you Xavier." I hiss wheeling myself out angrily. Someone quickly takes the handle and begins pushing for me.

"I'm sorry you all had to see me like that but when I'm angry, watch out."

"Trust me we were all feeling the same way you are doll if not more." Bucky says.

"I just want to be with you all and rest now." I say growing tired from exerting my already low energy on Xavier.

We head to the couch bed and they gently lay me down and gently lay themselves around me. I fall into a not so peaceful sleep but am grateful to have my mates with me through the whole night to comfort and take care of me.

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