Chapter Sixty- Eight

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Warning: violence

Stephen POV
"How could you let a sick son of a bitch like him live?!" I scream at Fury, Marianna putting her hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down.


"Don't try to reason with me Fury. If anything happens to her again because of him I will be holding you personally responsible and will have no restraint in dealing with him myself."

"Is that a threat Strange?" Fury steps forward and I don't hesitate to do the same pressing my chest to his. If Marianna won't fight for herself I will be the one to fight for her.

"You bet your ass it is."

His gaze challenges mine and I won't be the loser. I keep my eyes locked on his.

"You need to watch what you say Strange."

"You need to watch what you do, Nick." I hear Marianna gasp as Fury punches me across the face. He goes to hit me again and before I can respond Marianna jumps between us and gets hit instead.

I send him flying through the wall landing outside in the cold snow. How can he be okay letting a man like him live after knowing what he's done, after hearing him admit he will not stop harassing her. My rage fuels me and I go to cast another spell but Marianna grabs my face roughly, breaking my attention.

"Please baby. Stop just take me home." My anger breaks for a moment as I look at her frantic and terrified face. I know she doesn't want to see either of us hurt, but I can't just let someone who invaded her mind and literally just threatened her again have the chance to harm her, she's too precious.

I gently brush her soft cheek and open a portal, for a moment I see relief flicker on her face before I shove her in and close the portal.

Marianna POV
I run around the tower and look for Loki frantically screaming his name.

He teleports in front of me and I frantically explain what happened.

"Please bring me there." He looks down and bites his lip.

"I'm sorry angel. I think Strange has the right idea."

"Loki, please." He looks guilty but still refuses.

I scrunch my face and his softens.

"Don't look at me like that darling."

"Don't give me a reason to then." I go to leave but he catches my arm.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you leave."

I roughly pull out of his grip, "I'm sorry but you can't stop me."

"Maybe not, but I can delay you." Hundreds of Loki's surround me and I get into a defensive position trying to find my Loki in the crowd.

"You know I won't back down." I bite at all of the clones.

They respond in sync, "I know darling, I'm counting on it."

I throw myself into battle holding nothing back against his clones searching for the real him.

Stephen POV
I step outside through the massive hole in the wall as Fury rises shooting his gun at me. I deflect all of the shots sending them to the ground with a flourish of my hand. He runs out of rounds and throws the gun at me pulling out another smaller pistol. I easily dodge the gun only having to tilt my head for it to go sailing by me.

"Cut the shit Strange. This is ridiculous." He keeps the gun fixed on me.

"What's ridiculous is letting a man live when he deserves to die. Are all the agents just that disposable to you? She hasn't been working for you for half a year and she's already killed hundreds in your name! That's okay though! So long as Nick Fury deems it so." I say through gritted teeth.

Before I can respond Fury pulls a small object out of his pocket and smashes it against the ground. The object sends an electrical current through my body and I groan in pain doubling over into the snow.

I cast a spell and make Fury think the ground is shifting as he fall off of the now upside down ground. I keep him falling until he lands with a thud into a dark empty space. I gracefully land and Fury shoots his gun at me again. I stop them all but crack a smile, "almost."

He gets up and charges at me. He tackles me to the ground and we fight both trying to get the top. I think of Marianna and her beautiful face tear stained and full of self resentment.

I over power him long enough to be on the top as I open a portal underneath us and hold his body beneath me as we fall back towards the ground. Fury tries to flip us over in air but I have the advantage already and there's nothing he can do as his body easily sinks through the snow and hits the ground with a bone shattering crunch. I hold him down as he groans in pain.

His hand shoots up quickly and stabs me in the arm. He grunts in displeasure clearly upset he didn't hit a more lethal spot. I rip the knife out and barely feel the pain adrenaline coursing through me.

Fury uses this time to shove me off of him and I go to cast a spell but can't. Fury smirks and charges me again. He pins me down and delivers a blow to my face.

"Now it's a fair fight." He punches me relentlessly blood trickling out of my nose into my mouth. I thrash underneath him to no avail. My cape flies off and pulls Fury off of me by the neck.

"You may have delayed my magic for now but I still have a couple tricks up my sleeve." I say as he struggles to get out of the capes strong hold. I kick him in the stomach and he falls to his knees.

"What are you gonna do kill me?" He sneers.

"No. I'm going to kill him and make sure he never gets the chance to fuck with my fiancé again."

"I understand your rage trust me I'm angry too but this isn't the way. I'm sorry my love." I feel a sharp pain at the back of my head but remain conscious. I turn around and am met with Mariannas angry bloody face swinging an old wooden board at me knocking me out.

Marianna POV
I breathe heavily throwing the board away from me as Stephens body lands in the snow. I look at Fury to make sure he's okay and he walks over to me mouth open taking in my massive black feathered wings.

"Thank you." He slightly bows his head.

"Thank me by making sure Xavier is never able to fuck with me again. Or next time I won't stop any of mates from doing exactly what I would do if I were in their shoes." I lift Stephen into my arms and take off without looking back.

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