Chapter Thirty- One

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Warning: child abuse, violence

"Put him down." I say with a sense of urgency trying to keep calm so I can be useful. Tony listens and I begin singing pulling water from the air and healing Bruce. Pain overtakes my body as Bruce begins to wake, healed.

I fall to the ground and squeeze my hands and eyes closed trying to endure the pain.

"Neptune what happened?" I get out through bared teeth as all three of them rush to my side.

"Let's just say the target on the mission had a few choice words about our mate and lifestyle and the hulk.. smashed. When the hulk wouldn't stop smashing Thor electrocuted the hell out of him but that wasn't enough so Wanda took over and that was that." Bruce explains ashamed.

"I'm sorry you have to feel pain now because he- I couldn't control myself." I grab his hand and rub my thumb back and forth on his palm.

"Don't do that. I love every part of you. That means the hulk too." I say with a weak smile trying to put on a brave face so he doesn't feel as bad.

"No he should feel bad!" Clint shouts growing defensive.

"Clint don't." I try to reach for him as he gets up my body failing.

"No Marianna you're being too nice about this! He needs to learn how to control the beast!" He yells pointing an accusing finger at Bruce who's head his hanging.

"Sometimes it's not that easy Clint!" I yell rising to my feet on shaky legs my heart burning with rage.

"Having powers and emotions at the same time is scary and overwhelming and sometimes things we can't control happen! I killed a man at 11 out of pure emotion am I beast to you?!" I scream tears running down my face as I start to lose my balance but Bruce catches me.

"Marianna you know I don-"

"No. You said what you said. You think Bruce is a beast because he can't always control what he does. No matter how sweet and funny and amazing he is the second he fucks up DEFENDING ME all of a sudden he's a beast?" I ask angry and disgusted, knowing anyone of us could let emotions get the better of us and do things we regret, calling each other beasts is sickening.

"You are not a beast Bruce Banner. And I will continue to heal you over and over again without hesitation if that's what you need because you're MY mate and I know you would do the same for me." He leans down and nuzzles into me basically holding me up pain still searing through my whole body.

"I need to learn how to control him better Marianna." He says into my neck.

"I know baby, we'll figure it out together." Clint tries to touch my arm as I hug Bruce and I jerk away from him. He looks hurt but doesn't try to touch me again respecting my boundaries.

"I'm sorry, and I'm sorry Bruce." He apologizes sadly turning to leave the tower.

"Don't leave upset. I'm mad at you but I still love you so please don't leave upset. Nothing good ever comes from that." I reason. He nods and heads towards his room. Bruce begins carrying me to the screening room but Tony stops him and they bring me towards where all their rooms are. Tony opens the door and I see a huge room, my jaw drops as I admire the deep brown wooden floors, the beautiful gold accent wall and the gold lounge swing. Bruce places me on the enormous bed that is definitely built to fit 19 comfortably. It feels like an actual cloud and I close my eyes and breathe in letting my body relax as much as I can. These blankets smell like Tony. I bury my face in them and hold my arms out for Tony and Bruce to join me.

"As much as I would love to indulge I have to make sure the rest of the mission went as planned. Take care of her Banner." Tony says before kissing me and leaving. Bruce climbs into bed and nuzzles close.

"I'm sorry. I'll do better Marianna." I feel a hot tear soak into my shirt. I bring my hand up to his hair and play with it pulling him closer to me. He's basically on top of me which doesn't bode well for my pain but it doesn't matter, what hurts worse is seeing someone I love with my whole heart not love themselves the way I love them.

"Shhh shh, it's okay my love. You're okay. I've got you always." I whisper holding him as tight as I can wishing I could take all his emotional pain the same way I can physical pain. He falls asleep holding me with a tear streaked face. I kiss his head lightly before drifting off myself.

"Come here you stupid bitch! Stop fucking running." Aaron catches me and throws me down to the ground pinning my hands beside me with his knees. He tries to pry open my mouth but I thrash my head around and keep my lips clasped together. He reaches into his back pocket and takes out a tool of sorts. He continue trying to pry my mouth open and after minutes of thrashing and fighting my mouth concedes and is pried open. Aaron takes the tool and I start screaming and crying thrashing around like crazy now. He puts more pressure on my arms and shoves the tool into my mouth it clasps one of my teeth and he pulls with all his strength ripping my tooth from my gums. Blood starts pouring out of the wound and I start choking on it before he lets me up and I'm able to cough it up a mess of blood, tears and my snot on the floor. I sob and hold my cheek curling up in a ball as Aaron laughs over me. Clean up your mess bitch.

A few days later

"Hi baby! I'm home! Aaron told me that you lost a tooth while I was gone! Did the tooth fairy come?"

"Yes momma." I hug her tightly.

I wake up and see Bruce still sleeping next to me. My body still kills but I can't sleep after that. I get up and look over my room smiling at how carefully thought out everything is. There's a bunch of my stuff from my old place mixed in a with a bunch of new things that I definitely would've picked out myself. I open up a door and see a closet that is basically the size of my old room. My mouth drops looking at the array of clothing with a note that reads, "if none of this suits you then we can have a little shopping date (: -Tony." I smile at the note and tuck it safely into a drawer.

I open another door and am welcomed into a gorgeous en suite with a bathroom almost resembling Natashas. Exactly how I wanted it.

I go back into the room and see there are already pre rolled joints and a lighter waiting for me on the dresser. They really do love me. I light it and sit in my swing chair watching Bruce sleep peacefully. I hear the others moving about in the tower which means they're back from the mission. I make my way out and am greeted with relieved looks. Clint isn't there but I can tell by the next look on their faces Tony already filled them in.

"Im gonna go back to bed." I say not wanting to talk about our fight, I know I won't be able to fall asleep but I don't want to talk about this anymore. I kiss them all and head back into my room. Bruce is awake when I enter and smiles when he sees me. His smile fades when he sees the look on my face.

"What's wrong?" He questions. I sigh before answering, "I'm mad at him for the way he thinks but there's another part of me that is hoping to Poseidon that he doesn't truly think of people like you, like us as beasts."

"I think there's a part of him that resents magic but
I don't think he thinks of you as a beast. Just me because I destroy things."

"But I'm capable of all the things you are. So where does that leave us? Plus I won't ever tolerate anyone saying anything bad about one of my mates, that includes my other mates." He gets quiet and kisses me. We hold each other until he eventually drifts back off to sleep as a I lay awake. The rest of my mates eventually come in and fall asleep. I continue laying awake until the next day missing Clint in the bed.

A/N: hello readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I just wanted to say that if you're enjoying what you're reading please remember to vote! (: and if you have any thoughts or suggestions feel free to comment constructive criticism, pls don't be a dick lol. Xo

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