Chapter Fifteen

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"I think you've had enough to drink mother." I say glaring at her.

"Oh don't be upset it was just a question." She defends waving me off.

"An inappropriate question at an inappropriate time. I'd like to have discussions like this in private with my mates when the time is ready for us."

"Well I'm very sorry, as the future grandmother I was just a little excited." She defends putting her hands up.

"Who said that you're definitely going to be a future grandmother? I never said I was going to have kids and I sure as shit don't see another little rugrat of yours running around. I DO want kids." I clarify for my mates because I can feel the heartbreak from them.

"But I would've liked to have this conversation a lot further into our relationships and definitely not with you mom."

Everyone has been silent up until now.

"I know you would've liked to have to conversation when we were ready but I'm sure your mother meant no harm." Vision says trying to ease the tension.

I take a deep breath close my eyes and open them with a smile.

"You are right as always my love. Sorry for getting snippy mom." I apologize.

"No I'm sorry Ana I should not have crossed the line like that." She apologizes back.

"Much better." Vision says with a smile.

"And I'm sorry to all of you for putting you on the spot like that." My mother adds.

They accept her apology and kindly reassure her it's okay.

After a bit more chatting my mother says her goodbyes to everyone and Tony has Happy bring her home.

"I'm really sorry about her." I say exasperated looking around to my mates.

"Don't be, she was lovely." Nat reassures me.

"I mean I had a great time with your mother!" Peter (P) beams.

"Thanks you guys but even I think she can be overbearing I wouldn't blame you if you thought so too."

"Babe. We're not upset. I actually think you're more upset then all of us combined. It was shocking to just be brought up at dinner like that but I told you once and I'll tell you a million times until you get it. We are ready to build a life with you, that includes having conversations about kids. It may be a bit premature but I don't want to waste any time love so the conversations were coming one way or another." Tony states.

"No matter what people say you do use your head sometimes." I joke pecking him on the lips and wrapping my arms around him.

"Thank you all for being my rocks." I say gratefully.

He kisses me on the lips and whispers, "always."

"So since my mother so kindly brought this topic up I guess we should have this conversation." I say nervously.

"Well we've all talked about this before we even met you. We all want kids, some of us are okay with not having a biological child, others would very much like to have a biological child, of course we would all be the parents of all of them together if that's what our partner wanted as well too of course." Wanda states.

"Well that sounds good to me. So long as our children will be happy and healthy that is all that matters." I smile.

"Oh they will be the happiest and the healthiest my love." T'challa says.

"I don't want to plan kids but I definitely don't want to start now so I'm going to continue my birth control and crush my mother's dreams of becoming a grandmother anytime soon." I laugh.

"Well not too long though right?" Pietro half jokingly asks.

I laugh and roll my eyes, "oh Neptune my mother has opened a can of worms and we can not close it." 

"You know you love me." Pietro says.

"I really really do." I say moving into his arms and nuzzling into his neck. The moment is interrupted by my phone buzzing.

Turner Park 1AM

I close my phone and look at my mates with apologetic eyes. They already know what I'm about to say.

"I'm sorry I won't be here for the night my loves I need to meet Xavier and kick some ass." I say trying to pick up the mood. It does not work.

"Can't he do it alone just this once?" Peter (Q) begs.

"If I let him do it alone every time you asked he wouldn't have a partner anymore my love." I say moving to stroke his cheek.

"Plus as much as I want to be with you all I also love what I do."

"I knowww, I just hate not having you on the couch bed with us." Peter frowns. I peck his lips feeling guilty.

"I will be back before anyone is awake my Star Lord I promise" I say giving him more kisses.

"I love you." He states and kisses me hard pressing his muscular body against mine.

"Je t'aime plus que ma vie" I breathily whisper in his ear when he stops kissing me.

"I have no idea what you said but please say it a thousand more times." He gushes.

"I love you more than my own life is what it means." I laugh.

"Do you all want to watch something before I go out?" I look at my mates with puppy dog eyes. They all nod and Vision picks me up bridal style and carries me to the screening room. By the time I'm leaving they're all knocked out. I quietly creep out and change into my usual grabbing my weapons, mask, and gloves.

When I get the to the park Xavier isn't there so I wait on a bench.

I look around growing impatient until a piece of fabric is placed roughly over my mouth. I pull myself away from the mystery attacker and turn to let my songs tear them apart but it never comes as my eyelids start to droop and my body grows weaker. Fear builds in my body and I try repeatedly and desperately to sing, move, stay awake, anything and everything. It's all useless I fight as hard as I can but eventually succumb to whatever was used on me my final thought being my mates.

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