Chapter Fifty- Two

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Warning: child abuse, starvation, dark ass chapter

After we return Avian, his son, and Torval to their planets we head back to Earth. We have an eventless ride back right up until we go to land on the Stark Tower platform.

"Why the fuck are there a bunch of cops surrounding the tower and on the platform?" I question as I land the ship.

"Debriefing or something?" Peter (P) answers not sure himself.

"Fury would've done that." Nat shakes her head.

"Well we won't find out unless we go." Tony saunters out of his seat and opens the doors. We all follow walking out together.

They immediately aim their guns at us. No, at me.

"Marianna Yanis, you're under arrest for the murder of Aaron Platt in the first degree. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say and do will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney if you can not afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you."

Their voices are muffled as anxiety takes over. I see my mates begin getting their weapons ready and I shake my head for them to stop. I know it surprises me too, normally I would do what I have to do but it's not just my life anymore.

I put my hands up and get on my knees shaking. When the cops rush at me and shove me to the ground cuffing me I hear Hulk takeover Bruce. The cops roughly lift my body and drag me along as they run away. I look back and see my other mates restraining the Hulk before I'm thrown into the tower and into the elevator. Once the doors close and the two officers who cuffed me catch their breathes they clamp a collar on my neck. I bite the inside of cheek easily breaking the skin my healing gone. I don't even notice that we're already in the car.

Everything goes by in a blur until we're outside a large metal prison.

"Strip." I'm zoned out mind whirling stomach turning.

"Strip now!" I snap back into reality confused on when we made our way into the building. I slowly take off my clothes trying to hold back my tears. They spray my body down and check my hair. Giving me an orange jumpsuit and paper underwear. I'm taken to a cell completely made out of metal. There's not a damn thing in this place that isn't metal. I look around my cell and thank Neptune at least I'm by myself. I lay on the metal block that's supposed to resemble a bed and bury my head in the pillow crying silently. I cry until I begin dry heaving and eventually throw up in the metal toilet, I continue crying and crying running to the toilet to throw up until my stomach is empty and the only thing that comes up is spit.

Once I stop throwing up I lay in the bed and cry myself to sleep. My dreams no better than my reality.

"You stupid bitch! Your mother is getting suspicious she almost didn't go to India!" Aaron screams in my face his spit getting on me. I go to wipe it off but he slaps my hand away. He grabs me by my hair dragging me to the basement. When we get there I see a trash bin from outside. He lifts me by my hair making me scream and drops my small frame into the half filled bin. I try to get out but I hear a lock click and the cover doesn't budge. I scream and cry begging him to let me out.

"Shut the fuck up you worthless trash!" He kicks the bin over sending the bags of trash and my body flying around the bin, one of the bags ripping open making smell worse. He rolls the bin around and I can't do anything but hold my head and try to hold my breath trying not to scream silent tears running down my face. After about an hour of kicking the bin around and after I threw up on myself twice he finally relents leaving with a snicker. I press my mouth to the small hole to the outside gagging at the taste of trash but needing fresh oxygen.

After a few days of being in and out of consciousness from lack of oxygen, food and water I give in to my rumbling stomach and close my eyes wanting to cry but having nothing to give. I pick up an old rotted piece of unrecognizable meat. I gag as I eat it sobbing but still no tears.

A couple minutes after I finish eating I throw up. I scream with all my might which is very weak from my dry sore throat, but still get Aaron's attention when I hear angry footsteps rush down the basement stairs.

He rolls the bin my throw up, pee, and poop from the last who knows how many days getting everywhere.

"What the fuck do you want bitch?"

"Please let me out Aaron. You're going to kill me." I beg. He laughs leaning down to the barrel dropping his voice to a shaky whisper.

"Then you tell your mother how much you love me. How I take such good care of you while she's away. That you're so happy I'm in your life."

I shoot awake unable to watch myself agree to this sick bastard again. Anxiety not settling as I remember where I am.

"At least it's bigger than the bin." I say frowning at the metal wall next to my bed my eyes soon flutter closed again still exhausted. Thankfully my sleep is more peaceful this time until I'm woken by a loud alarm.

Food is pushed under my door on a tray. I quickly get it and shove the food into my mouth starving from throwing everything up the night before. Once I successful hold down the food and feel a little energy return to my body I approach the metal door and bang on it.

"Don't I get a phone call?!" I yell. No answer. I bang again.

"Fucking hello?!" I yell annoyed.

"Shut up. There's no approved callers for you at this moment. Unless you'd like to call your attorney."

I slump to the ground against the door.

"I'll just wait for my fiancé's to get me the best attorney and I'll be out this bitch." I mumble to myself holding my knees to my chest at the thought of my mates and how much I miss them already.

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