Chapter Twenty- Seven

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"So the other sirens aren't pissed?" Stephen questions the next morning at breakfast. They all stayed up to make sure I got home safe but we agreed to discuss what happened in the morning.

"No. The one I met seemed incredibly thankful he even bowed." Their faces contort.

"We should be the only ones bowing to you my love." Loki says.

"I told him not to if that makes you guys feel better. He has a soulmate it was not a bow of sexual submission. Though I did see him naked." I laugh knowing they're about to flip shit. I let them settle down before reminding them about being butt ass naked when you shift back into human form.

"You just had to put it like that didn't you smart ass." Natasha says kissing my forehead.

"It's really funny to see you all riled up over nothing."

"Oh yes, hilarious." T'challa shakes his head.

"So what's the plan for today?" I ask excitedly.

"We thought that because you've been training and working your butt off and, you had your first successful mission, officially making you an Avenger, that we would throw a party." Wanda beams excitedly.

I grow slightly nervous, "are we sure this is the right time to be throwing a party? Those pictures of me kicking those girls asses were just released by that magazine and people hate me enough. If they see me happy and celebra-"

"If they see you happy and celebrating and have an issue with it that's their problem." Sam says defensively. He's right it just doesn't feel good to be crucified for everything I do now but this isn't about them this is about my mates being proud of me and wanting to celebrate that. I break into a wide smile and jump into the closest pair of arms which happen to be Visions. He catches me easily and swings me around placing a kiss on my lips.

"Thank you my loves. I'm sorry this wasn't my first reaction." I look around at them still in Visions arms.

"It's okay Marianna, having all eyes on you isn't easy." Bruce says understandingly. Ugh my mates are the best.

"What time will the party begin?"

"About 10ish." Scott answers excitedly.

"Okay so I have a good amount of time to get ready." I start planning what I have to do before my thoughts are interrupted.

"You don't have to worry too much about that! We've got a special day of pampering ahead!" Peter (P) beams. I raise my eyebrow in curiosity and am met by silence and smiling excited faces. I smile back nervously looking at all of them. We finish our breakfast and my questions are answered when I am brought to a lower level and see a huge spa filled with workers.

"Every time I think I've seen the whole tower something else appears." My eyes widen in wonder.

"Thank you all so much! This is like a big group date I love this so much!"

Peter (Q) grabs my hand and takes off to the massage tables taking the one right next to me. I strip slowly teasing Peter. His eyes never leave my body even as he undresses himself. I look at his toned body and feel wetness pool between my legs. He smirks and lays down on the table. I take a deep breath trying to calm my heart before laying down too. I see Thor take the table to my other side and I watch as he strips too. This is not helping but I'm not looking away. He notices me watching him and winks at me before laying down. The masseurs begin the massages and I reach out to the both of them wanting their touch. They both grasp one of my hands and I fully relax. They do an amazing job and I almost fall to the ground when I rise but Thor catches me. We throw robes over ourselves and we go over to the mani/ pedi area. I take a seat next to Wanda and Steve dipping my toes in the warm water and turning on the chair. A nice man hands me a mimosa and asks what color I would like my nails.

"Gold please!" Wanda, Steve, and I say simultaneously they say it in the same tone as me and everything. I open my mouth in playful disbelief.

"You know me too well." I laugh.

"Not well enough." Wanda purrs flirty. I blush and look at the man who is pretending not to hear our conversation but can't help give a little smile as he begins rubbing my feet. I take a sip of my drink and a woman comes up and begins working on my free hand. I close my eyes and relax. When they finish I have to peel my eyes open and turn to see Steve and Wanda both knocked the fuck out. I quietly get up and take my phone out of my robe pocket and snap a picture. I gently wake them up with kisses and sweet whispers. I thank the man and woman adoring my nails and make my way over with Steve and Wanda to where some of my mates have gathered.

They're all standing around a door waiting.

"What's going on?" Steve questions.

"Sauna is heating up just waiting for it to be ready." Bucky answers.

We wait with them and call over the others. When the sauna is ready we all go in and breathe deeply enjoying the hot air.

I pull off my robe first watching my mates unsure faces.

"It's okay. It's nothing I haven't or won't see." I bite my lip. They all remove their robes and we all sit down.

"Peter (P) could you stop staring?" Vision asks embarrassed.

"I-I- sorry as a man of science I always wondered how your.. anatomy.. p-presented. It's big- I mean you're fine it's normal, just what you would see on any man- not that you're average- I just-" Peter stammers out embarrassed himself.

"I think Peter is trying to say there is nothing to be embarrassed about. You are perfect my love."

"Well I don't think Peter was saying THAT exactly." Gamora jokes. We laugh together. I notice Peter (P) looking around at everyone after that.

"Is this your first time seeing anyone naked in person Peter?" Loki asks picking up on what I am too. I shoot Loki a look. I wasn't saying anything for a reason. Peter is gonna be so embarrassed!

"N-no I've seen plenty of people naked." He looks down with a blush.

"That time you scared Ned in the bathroom and saw his thing doesn't count." Natasha says.

"I trusted you with that Nat!" He yells growing more embarrassed.

"And if you must know yes this is my first time seeing people naked!" His face grows redder.

"Cmon leave him alone." I defend Peter.

"It is also my first time seeing a human being naked Peter. There is nothing wrong with that." Vision chimes in.

He looks up thankful.

"Thanks Vision."

"Sorry I told people about Ned." Natasha apologizes.

"That I'm not sorry for! Thank you for sharing that with the group Natasha that's amazing." I laugh out loudly. They join me and the tension is gone and everyone is enjoying themselves again. We talk about the party and what we're going to wear and relax. By the time we finish it's time to get dressed and ready for the party. And boy am I ready to let loose and forget my troubles.

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