Chapter Seventy- Two

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"Hand over the damn muffin or so help me Neptune." I point at Pietro eyes wide with an angry face.

"Chocolatey muffins are not a proper breakfast for a woman trying to have a baby." He scolds kindly with a smile on his face opening up the fridge and pulling out an orange.

"Worried I'll get too fat for your liking?" I cross my arms stubbornly. He rolls his eyes.

"Vitamin c is good for fertility in women."

"Fine then you have to eat-" I pause taking out my phone, "ha! Spinach for breakfast baby!" His jaw drops and he walks over and snatches my phone from my hands I try to grab it back but surprise surprise he's quicker than me.

"You picked the worst food on purpose! Looks like I'm having eggs and for a snack later dark chocolate. Have fun with your sunflower seeds and oranges." I hurl the orange at him and he dodges it easily, laughing.

"One muffin isn't going to hurt me, please baby?" Maybe this approach will work.

"You're right one muffin wouldn't hurt." I perk up at his words.

"But it's much more than one muffin. You eat like shit." My face changes and I'm back to pouting. He chuckles.

"You inhale sugar like it's running out. I know you were surrounded by sugar all day as a baker but damn."

"That's rude, give me my muffin."

"I'll give you half a muffin and the orange back." He says holding up the orange I threw at him. I consider his bargain and nod in agreement.

"Gotta ween you off the sugar you addict." He chuckles handing me half of my muffin and the orange I playfully elbow him and eat my muffin happily.

It's been about a week and a half since we first started trying and we've basically been working, fucking, sleeping, repeat. The only thing that has sucked about all of this is that Bruce doesn't want a biological child so when we have sex it has to be with a condom. Ugh. Oh and the fact that now it matters what I eat before I even get pregnant. Like my body already isn't going to be mine for 9 months don't make me start before.

I continue talking shit in my head but comply as my rationality knows it's for the best.

"We have the engagement party tonight." I say peeling the orange now.

"You sound less than excited." He frowns wrapping his arms around me.

"Let's just not tell my mom we're trying. She's up my ass enough about the wedding, next thing you know she's asking us about how many times a week we're having sex in front of everyone. Cause I will really blow my brains out.

He softly chuckles, "just enjoy it and be grateful your mother is here to annoy you."

My face softens and I stroke his cheek, "I'm sorry my love I must sound like such a brat. I wasn't even thinking-" he cuts me off with a kiss, it's a sad kiss but it's full of love.

Later that day

"Damn maybe we should just cancel the party and have one of our own

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"Damn maybe we should just cancel the party and have one of our own." Tony whistles wrapping his arms around me placing kisses along my neck. I tilt my head to give him further access closing my eyes.

"They'll kill us if we ditch." I smirk keeping my eyes closed.

"They'll kill me. They'll be relatively mad at you and put my head on a spike." I snort opening my eyes now.

"True." I turn around and kiss him before pulling him out of the room and into the hustle and bustle of people and staff getting ready. I already debriefed everyone on not mentioning the fact that we are trying and feel confident as I am greeted by a few friendly faces surrounded by my mates.

"Sorry we're early." Rhodey and his mother apologize.

"Don't worry about it thank you for coming." I smile holding Tony's hand.

Ms. Rhodes slightly jumps when Stephen enters suddenly through a portal with people.

"See perfect timing!" I laugh bringing them to meet the people who just came.

"You look radiant." Okoye smiles when she sees me, I pull her into a hug and though she's stiff at first she quickly relaxes into it and hugs me back.

"Rocket! Yondu! I'm so glad you could come!"

"Sorry Drax, Groot, and Mantis couldn't be here, official guardians of the glaaxy business." Rocket says professionally.

"I understand." I say in a pretend professional way unable to hide my smile. I know he doesn't want to hear it but he's just too fucking adorable.

Loki pops in with more people as my mother, Elise, George, my grandparents and a group of sirens accompanying them including Cassie arrive with Happy. I jog happily up to them pressing my forehead to each of the sirens harmonizing with them before the group leaves me with my grandparents and Cassie.

"I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you both before I just took off without another word." I apologize hanging my head. Each of them takes one of my hands.

"You were scared, and right. Not about us trying to keep you with us like when you were little but you were right about your issue not being schizophrenia." My yiayia says.

"Still, I wish I went about it better and for that I am sorry." They pull me into a hug and I shake off the bit of sadness and introduce them to my mates.

Once everyone arrives we sit down to eat music playing softly in the background. Everything goes smoothly, everyone gets along getting to know each other and discussing excitement over our engagement.

Pietro eyes me from way down the table trying to be inconspicuous and failing. I mouth fuck off as he watches me take another sip of alcohol. It's our engagement party, I'm not pregnant, let a bitch drink.

My mother, nosy as ever sees our exchange and gives me a look when I make eye contact with her. Pietros gonna get us figured out and I'm going to fuck him up.

I feel his gaze continue to bore into me and I roll my eyes and ask an iron suit to get me lemonade. Once it brings it over my mother sees this as an opportunity and asks what she's been dying to ask since she's asked last time.

I shoot Pietro a final glare before she gets the dreaded question out.

"Are you pregnant?"

Yay time for an invasive conversation with all of our loved ones around.

Fuck me. No, fuck Pietro.

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