Chapter Ten

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Warning: child abuse/ smoking

"Stupid fucking slut! Whores like you should be strung up and left to die!" My mothers boyfriend at the time screams at me as he hits me with his belt.
He makes sure to only hit parts of my body I can hide.

"Pl-pl-please stop mm-my skin i-is raw." Ten year old me begs.

"Shut the fuck up unless you want me to start beating your bitch of a mother too." He snarls.

I close my eyes and let the tears flow silently. Just protect mommy and I'll be okay.



I shoot up out of my sleep with a small gasp. I look around and start to calm my breathing when I see I'm safe with my mates in the screening room. I carefully make my way off of the couch and grab my bag leaving the room.

I roll a joint pull on my shoes and a sweater and make my way into the elevator. I don't know how Tony feels about smoking in here so I'll go outside.

When I get outside I take a deep breath of the cold Fall New York air. I light my joint and lean against the building. I try to forget about my nightmare. Tears try to fall from my eyes but are almost instantly dried from the cold air. I'm almost finished my joint when a large spacecraft flies over my head and lands on the platform of Stark Tower. What the fuck? I throw my joint in a public ashtray and run into the building into the elevator. I start to calm down when I feel the familiar tingling on my right arm and right collarbone. Thank Poseidon. Not a threat. My final mates! I bite the inside of  my lip growing nervous and excited. I can't wait to finally know all of my mates but I probably look like shit right now. Stoned and sad.

The elevator doors open and I see the ship take off with two figures left standing on the platform they wave goodbye to the ship before turning and locking eyes with me.

We move towards each other almost at a run and jump into a group hug. The woman pulls me into a passionate kiss and I happily accept, she pushes her tongue into my mouth running her hand up my sweater squeezing my breast. I moan into her mouth and she pulls away with a smile. I'm only able to catch my breath for a second before another pair of lips crash down on mine. I push my body against his feeling his stubble against my face. We kiss for a minute before giving 3 quick kisses and pulling away.

"I'm Marianna." I say breathily with a laugh.

"I'm Gamora." Gamora smiles.

"And I'm Peter or Star Lord." Peter says with a wink.

We begin to make our way inside.

"So everyone else is asleep Marianna, why are you awake?" Gamora questions.

I bite the inside of my cheek.

"I had a nightmare and came outside to smoke." I say.

They each grab one of my hands.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But if you do you can talk to either one of us or both of us if that's what you want." Peter says.

"Thank you." I squeeze both of their hands and we make our way to the screening room to sleep.


"You are so beautiful to me, can't you see? You're everything I hoped for, you're everything I need, you are so beautiful to me." (You are so Beautiful by Joe Cocker.) Peter sings quietly peppering kisses all over my face. I feel Gamora play with my hair and open my eyes with a sleepy smile.

"I love when you sing to me Star Lord." I purr his name kissing him.

"And I love your touch beautiful." I say kissing Gamora.

We snuggle together until I look around and question, "hey, where are the others?"

"We don't know we just woke up and they were gone so we saw an opportunity." Gamora says with a smile.

I grow worried.

"Hey, I'm sure they're okay but let's go look around, yeah?" Peter says.

I nod my head and we get up both of them grabbing one of my hands again.

When we exit the room we hear commotion from the kitchen.

The scene before me could only be described as a war scene.

"FWOMP!" Raw pancake batter hits me right in the face. These fuckers were having a food fight...without me?! They all stop throwing food everyone thoroughly covered and look at me with wide eyes. Scott slips on egg but nobody even bats an eye just gauging my reaction.

I scoop the batter off my face fake mad and then smear it on Peters. His jaw opens but turns into a smile.

"Oh, you're gonna pay for that!" I run away giggling into the mess and now resumed chaos. He quickly catches me and lifts me into the air, he brings me over to the food covered counter and gets an idea. I see it in his eyes.

"Star Lord please! No! Not the counter!" I beg and laugh.

"Sorry love gotta teach you who's boss." He lays me on the counter and rubs me against it getting everything on my backside.

I laugh uncontrollably trying to fight back but can't, laughing too hard.

"P-please!" I laugh. He only stops when Nat comes to my rescue hitting him with a mush of different foods.

He begins a battle with Nat while I join poor Peter (P) getting pelted by Pietro, Stephen, Tony, and Bucky. We try to fight them off but Pietros speed fucked us.

We continue to fight until everything is completely covered and we are completely out of breath.

We all slump down on the floor in the mess looking around at each other laughing our asses off. We look CRAZY. We did not look like the cutesy girls in movies who got into a "food fight" at school, we were lathered in food.

"We tried to cook breakfast for you guys but Loki here decided it would be funny to try and hit Thor with an egg and when it missed and hit Tony in the head, Tony tried to hit Loki with a scoop of batter and when Loki teleported out of the way and the batter hit Wanda in the chest all hell broke loose." Natasha explains laughing.

"This was better then breakfast." I say with a smile.

"Friday take a picture." Tony says.

A few people try to protest but stop when Tony argues, "for the memories people."

We clean up the kitchen and clean ourselves up coming to sit together in the lounge once everyone is showered and changed.

It's time for the talk.

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