Chapter Forty- Seven

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After that night our lives felt like bliss. It didn't matter what the public had to say or how anybody else felt it's us against the galaxy plus the most important people in our lives were supportive and happy for us so that's all that really matters. Even Fury said he was expecting an invitation. And now today is the day I've been waiting for my entire life.

"Are you almost done honey? It's almost time!" My mother yells from the other side of the door not waiting for me to respond before barging in.

"Oh Ana, you look so beautiful." She walks towards me turning my body away from the mirror.

"Here." She says closing a metal object into my hand. I look down and furrow my eyebrows.

"I can't take this from you mom. Dad gave this to you." Trying to give the object back.

"And now we're giving it to you." She closes my hand over the object again. I jump into her arms wrapping her in a big hug.

"I'm nervous." I bite my lip as I pull away.

"I was too baby. But remember this is what you've been waiting for." I nod my head.

"Let's go, they're waiting for you."

We make our way out and I break out into a wide smile as I make eye contact first with Sam.

"What the hell babe?" He laughs looking me up and down.

"We're going into space! I need to be in proper space attire!" I beam doing a twirl into his arms

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"We're going into space! I need to be in proper space attire!" I beam doing a twirl into his arms. He catches me placing a kiss on my head.

"You know this is a mission right?" I roll my eyes.

"Obviously Samuel, but we're going to be on that ship for sooooo long is it a crime to have fun on a mission?"

"Yes." Fury answers from behind me. I roll my eyes again.

"We're days away from where our mission is. I won't be wearing this when the serious stuff rolls around as cool as that would be."

"Whatever let's just get your asses on the ship." Fury waves me off. We walk to the helipad and my mouth drops open seeing the size, elegance, and true danger of the ship in front of me. My mates are bustling around getting last minute things ready attention only being pulled away from what they're doing when they realize I entered.

"You are my dream girl." Peter (P) melts.

"The crew is almost ready Huntress." Gamora winks.

"Help me get the ship ready." I say moving towards the luxurious ship saying my goodbyes to my mom reminding her to take good care of Verity and walking up the long door. She follows and we go into the large cockpit I run my hands over the black leather seats stopping at the captains seat running my fingers gently over the wheel smiling widely.

I take a seat and begin doing what I've been being taught by Peter and Gamora using my previous knowledge of aircraft from my mother. I sigh contentedly when I start the ship flawlessly turning to Gamora placing the metal object in her hand that my mother gave me.

 I sigh contentedly when I start the ship flawlessly turning to Gamora placing the metal object in her hand that my mother gave me

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"Please put it on for me." I request and she smiles clipping it to my Jedi robes.

"You're a real dork for wearing those but what is the pin?" She asks.

"My dad gave it to my mom before he died. On Earth pilots wear these and he wanted to give her something that she would always have on her when she was away from him." I smile sadly. She grabs my hand and places a kiss on top of it.

"We're ready!" Star Lord cheers sitting behind me as everyone else takes their seats buckling in.

"Are you sure you want to do this with me?" I look back at my mates finding a mix of anticipation and nervousness but excitement.

"We will follow you anywhere." Pietro says seriously my mates murmuring in agreement. I smile with happy tears in my eyes before taking a deep breath and focusing my attention on everything they've been teaching me and the comfort of having Gamora and Star Lord guiding me. And not like an angry parent who's "helping" with homework at the kitchen table, they're actually helping. I raise the ship into the air and swiftly take off quickly leaving our home in the dust.

Before long our ship is in space and my mind is blown. I'm still thoroughly concentrating on what I'm doing but damn is space amazing. We have simple conversation until a couple hours in when Peter (Q) asks, "okay beautiful do you know what's about to happen next." I smile adjusting my controls.

"We are about to enter orbit which we don't want, we want to exit orbit head into the depths of space and jump into hyperdrive." I answer. I can practically hear him smile.

"Good girl." He praises making me smile but I continue to focus intently on what I'm doing. We enter orbit and with little trouble and make it out into the depths of space.

"Entering hyper drive." I can't help but grin like a goof. The feeling is unlike anything I could've imagined.

"Nice job Huntress. Now what do you think should happen next?"

"I'm going to leave the ship in auto fly with one of my trusty co captains and learn my way around, learn the tips and tricks of this ship, and make sure everything is up to my standards.

"Tony, T'challa, why don't you two show me what you so amazingly created and Gamora why don't you come too so you can help me as a co captain." I say stretching rising for the first time since we took off. So naturally I need to pee first. But then we begin exploring the ship. We start with standard things like the med station different first aid spots, the extravagant eating area lined with iron suits ready to cook/ serve, the bathrooms, different mechanical rooms, different tech rooms. We get to a hangar lined with many different types of smaller ships and emergency pods. I admire the intricacies and details of each ship. Then we start making our way to the more leisurely parts of the ship, the gym, the bedrooms, the bar/ lounge, the library, and my eyes widen when I see they even have a covered pool and jacuzzi installed.

"Didn't want you not being able to shift to your natural form for too long." T'challa says pulling me to him.

"This ship is amazing. Thank you for trusting me to Captain this baby." I squeeze him pulling Tony and Gamora in.

"Now I need to go and make sure everything is running smoothly but I can't wait to learn all about this beautiful ship." I say rubbing it lovingly heading back towards the cockpit.

I sit back in my seat with a wide smile enjoying the abstract colors and shapes formed from hyperdrive, my nerves about flying completely faded replaced with nerves about our next mission.

Stopping an interstellar war.

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