Chapter Fifty- Nine

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Stephen pulls me through his portal and in an instance I'm surrounded by my mates.

"I- I know you're probably definitely mad at me but I need your help. Even if I don't deserve it, I need it." I say looking around them. Bucky pulls me into his arms and captures my lips pushing his tongue into my mouth drawing a moan out.


I pull Bucky closer grinding my body against his, he cups my ass and bites my lip pulling away slowly.

"As much as I would like to continue this doll, I'd like to know what's going on."

I nod my head and we go to my room sitting around in the giant bed. I can tell I'm not off the hook with all of my mates but I can't fix anything until this bastard is out of my head.

"Before I explain anything I need to say this, Scott I am so so sorry for putting my hands on you and almost killing you. I don't blame you if you never want to be near me again. And to the rest of you I'm sorry for leaving. I thought that was my only option, the best choice and hopefully things will make more sense once I tell you that Xavier is in my head."

"I'm sorry did you say Xavier? In your head?" Loki's eye twitches.

"How did you come to this conclusion?" Gamora raises an eyebrow.

"I went to my yaiyai in Greece and she told me that my father killed himself because he was schizophrenic. So when I told my grandparents what I did they asked me if anything different had happened. I heard a voice. It manipulated my nightmares and my trauma making me think my mother was in danger. The voice told me I had to protect her or he was going to kill her. I didn't even realize it wasn't Aaron and my mom wasn't here." I say looking shamefully at Scott.

"Then the voice told me to run. So I did. It seemed like the best option at the time to make sure I didn't hurt anyone else. Then when I swam to Greece and my grandparents told me they thought it was schizophrenia I freaked and went to visit my dads grave. The voice came back and called me Yanis. Nobody ever calls me that except for Xavier and Fury. Fury can't stand me outside my head no way he's coming into this noggin." I knock on my head.

They all look at me like I'm crazy.

Ha! See they won't believe you because you're meant for me

"I know it sounds weird but what isn't now a days?"

Don't ignore me

Pietro scoots closer to me clasping my hand in his, "maybe we should have Bruce and Shuri do some tests just to be sure it's not schizophrenia gorgeous."

"I can call her right now." T'challa nods with earnest eyes.

I shake my head.

"It's not schizophrenia he confirmed it was him when I accused him."


I interrupt Clint, "no don't do that, Xavier is in my head! Please listen to me!" I say my voice rising desperately. They look at me concerned.

Stephen POV
I try to keep my emotions in check watching Marianna explain what's been happening. Her face is slightly slimmer than normal indicating she hasn't eaten in days, the bags under her eyes as dark as the depths of space and when she speaks it's frantic and filled with anxiety.

"Marianna, I think you should listen to Pietro. He just wants the best for you and so do I and I agree with him, you should be checked out just in case." She smacks her hand to her head then rubbing the spot before looking up at me annoyed, even worn down, tired, angry, and scared she is truly the most beautiful woman to exist. I'm worried about her and I know crazy things happen but as a doctor the way she looks, the way she's been acting and the genetic component concerns me.

Marianna POV
Maybe this will be easier than I thought! They don't believe a word coming out of your crazy little mouth

"I'm not fucking crazy!" I see my mates look even more concerned.

"He's talking to me, he said that this is going to be easier than he thought because you don't believe a word coming out of my mouth. Please just help me." I say my voice cracking. I put my hands on either side of my head lifting my knees to my chest.

Tony lifts me off the bed and carries me to his lab.

"I'm going to help you baby don't worry. I've got you." He whispers kissing my cheek as he sets things up around the table he placed me on. My mates burst in arguing.

"What the hell are you doing Tony?" Bruce questions.

"Maybe we should get a specialist or something." Peter (P) says frantically.

"No. I'm gonna believe my girl and see if that fucker is digging around in my fiancé's head." Tony says not taking his eyes off of what he's doing.

"Our." Steve corrects.

"Our." Tony rolls his eyes.

"Okay beautiful take this." He says handing me a cup with a couple pills in it. I take the cup and down the pills, I'm instantly knocked out as Tony rests my body gently down against the med table.

I feel soft sheet underneath my body and recognize the feeling of my bed as I open my eyes to see Nat, and Scott moving the hair out of my face and pressing light kisses to my hands. I groggily sit up and rub my eyes.

"He's in there alright." Natasha murmurs. I nod knowingly.

"I blamed you." She says quietly. I pull her to me.

"I still blame me." She pulls away and grabs my face.

"It is not your fault. He is manipulating you."

Oh please the dramatics

"Shutup." I bite. Nat looks taken aback.

"Not you baby, he doesn't shut the fuck up." I say tapping on my head.


"Natasha is right. It's not your fault. I wish you would've stayed so we could've figured this out together but I get it. You weren't fully in control and I do not blame you for the.. other thing." He fidgets.

"I'm going to live everyday hating myself. The look on your face," my voice shakes, "will live in my head forever." This time he cups my face and kisses me.

"Don't do that to yourself. Please. You know you would never hurt any of us consciously and of your own will." He drags his thumb over my lips and I move into his touch.

"I love you so much." I say moving into him fully now needing his comforting touch.

"I love you." He whispers into my neck.


"So what do we do about this son of a bitch?"

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