Chapter Nintey- Three

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"Just focus!"

"I am!"

"Clearly you're not!"

"Clearly you're just a shit teacher!"

"Clearly you're just a shit student!"

So training with Loki has obviously been a success.

"Both of you are shit! Shut up and figure it out." Tony yells from inside his iron suit, just in case.

"I have an idea." Bucky says moving in front of me. I smile at him and he punches me in the face sending me flying into the wall.

"Douche move Barnes." I get up with a smile getting into a defensive position.

Out of the corner of my eyes I see Tony shoot at me and just in time I throw my hands up the shield appearing. I smile but have no time to celebrate as Tony shoots again, I do what I did before and successfully block his shot.

"Try to do it now with nothing coming at you." Tony says. I throw up my arms and the shield flickers but comes up the more I will it.

"Good now keep doing it."

The more I do it with Tony's encouragement I'm able easily summon it without being in imminent danger.

"See you just suck." I say skipping by Loki showing him the shield with a victorious grin. He rolls his eyes.

"Let's see how strong it is then since you're so confident."

"Let's." I smile.

Once he hears that one word of confirmation he pulls out two daggers his green magic swirling around them sending one at my face the other at my leg. I block the one coming to my face but haven't managed a shield further than right in front of me so his other dagger lands right in my thigh and twists thanks to his magic, sharpening the pain. I try to pull it out but he doesn't allow me to. I scream making him lose focus and clutch his ears. I pull the dagger out and pick the other one up throwing them each at an eye. He teleports out of the way just in time and sends a ball of green magic flying at me. I throw up my hands sturdy my feet on the floor and block his shot. He sends another but my shield doesn't falter this time staying up in front of me. As he goes to send another I run at him wrapping my legs around his neck just like Natasha taught me twisting and bringing him down unable to escape my clutches. I squeeze and just as he's about to tap out he lets out a scream and I'm forced to stop so I can clutch my ears.

Once the screaming stops I slowly uncover my ears to see a surprised Loki who rushes over to me to make sure I'm okay.

"How is that possible?" He asks amazed.

"You tell me." I shrug.

Tony steps up out of his suit now with something clearly in his mind.

"I think it's another power that derives from being a Goddess. Specifically the Goddess of protection. I think you extend your power to people you want to protect. Even if it's from yourself." He says still thinking and theorizing.

"Natasha was just an accident because you were asleep and had no control."

"I still don't." I chime in.

"But even though you were consciously fighting Loki your subconscious still wanted to protect him."

"It's not on the same scale as mine or other experienced sirens but it was still pretty damn impressive." I smile to Loki who still looks shocked and confused.

"Hopefully with time and practice you'll be able to control who you give power to, and what power you allow them to use." Tony finishes.

"How the fuck am I supposed to do that?"

He shrugs and looks to Loki, "maybe you could do something about that? Since I did everything else for you." He grins cockily.

"We'll try but I have little faith." Loki responds.

"Leave it for today. You definitely won't accomplish anything together. Keep trying to control the power giving and practicing your shield in the meantime." Tony says and we both nod.

"Nothing has happened with powers having to do with unity so far." I say thinking out loud.

"It may not have a physical power. Like my mother, she is also a Goddess of fertility. She doesn't make eggs and implant them into women. She simply exists and helps bestow fertility." Loki explains.

I slightly frown but brush it off going and checking my phone.

I sigh reading the message turning off my phone not responding yet.

"What?" Bucky asks sitting on the floor.

"Now that we're back Xavier wants to hang out." All three of their body languages shift.

"What did you say?" Tony questions trying and failing to not be suspicious.

"I haven't answered yet." They nod trying to hold back their smiles.

"What do you think you're going to say?" Bucky asks.

"I don't know I wanted to talk with someone about it first." They look at me expectantly so I continue.

"He was mind controlled. And to say I didn't miss him would be a lie. He was my closest friend, my partner in stopping crime." I sense their jealousy as they tighten up but they remain calm.

"As jealous as I am I think that if you want to go, you should. I remember the first time we met and you had to rush out and leave because Verity didn't like staying at new places." Loki chuckles reminiscing.

"You loved working with him. Not that I want you to leave the Avengers, you're not allowed. But if he's someone whose going to make you happy, then I trust you and want that for you." He sweetly says standing over me brushing his thumb against my bottom lip.

I kiss him and give him a glittering smile. I look past him to Tony and Bucky who are both thinking but ultimately agree with Loki.

"If he does anything I will end him." Bucky mutters as I pick up my phone to reply to him.

"Also, allow?" I say nodding my head to Loki.

"Yes." He answers and I smirk slightly shaking my head.

I text Xavier where to meet me and kiss each of my mates before going to shower and get ready. I make sure nobody needs me in Wakanda or Asgard before leaving relived after finding out everything is going smoothly.

The shower helps me calm my nerves a bit but not much as I step outside nervously into the slightly chilly but warming up New York air.

Let's hope this doesn't go to shit.

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