Chapter Eighty- Three

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After doing what we could to help clean up the destruction we all plop down on the couches exhausted. Gamora sits on my lap and I place soft kisses where her shoulder and neck meet.

I feel everyone's gazes on me and I stop kissing her looking around.

"What?" I ask confused.

They look around each other before Stephen speaks, "Fury knows about the contract and he thinks you have and are gaining to much power."

I sharply inhale, "he's gonna be piiissed when he finds out I got Samah to sign the contract too."

"Samah?" Gamora asks turning her body slightly so she can look at me.

"The leader of the aliens that were just here." I explain.

"Already on a first name basis with such an important person? Interesting." She says with a hint of jealousy.

I rub a small circle on her back, "it's just what she told me to call her." I say trying to reassure her.

"Gamoras obvious jealousy aside Fury is definitely not going to be pleased to hear this." Loki says pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'll talk to him it'll be fine." I say waving off their concerns. It'll be fiiiine. Fine fine fine fine.

It was indeed not fine.

"You added another planet to your deal?!" He slams his fist on the table.

"Dammit Yanis! You can't just go around making decisions! You don't run shit!"

"I only made decisions regarding myself." I say quietly.

"That can and will effect everyone!"

"For the better!" I stand growing angry myself, I'm a grown ass woman I can sign shit or not sign shit.

"It's an alliance. A peaceful one. Are you just mad that you weren't apart of. Didn't get your say in controlling it?" He grows quiet.

Bingo bitch.

"You can get on the contract you cry baby."

"Don't disrespect me." He glares but I can't help but smile.

"Awww poor little Nicky wicky felt left out? I'm sowwy Nicky I pwomise to never do that again!" I mock him in a baby voice. If looks could kill I'd be dead ten times over.

"You've got control issues you know that?"

"You harp on your mother about no filter but you don't have one either you know that?"

I smirk, "touché."

"Don't keep secrets like this from me again. If you're growing in power, and making alliances is power, then you need to tell me or else I'm going to suspect you of doing something you shouldn't be doing."

"I understand and I apologize." I say sincerely. I mean he's right it does look shady.

"Thank you. Now get out." He orders and I quickly turn leaving.

Great. Now that that's handled. I can do one of the million things I have to do.

You'd think having 18 other people helping you plan a wedding would make it easier. It doesn't. It makes it harder. I wish I could talk to my mom but she's made her wishes abundantly clear. I'm stressed. It's one thing after another. Everything happens so quickly and I just want to hold onto a happy moment and stay there forever.

I make my way through the busy sidewalks ending up outside of my mothers house. She hasn't answered me or any of my mates, she can be mad but I'm still going to make sure she's okay. I see her car and see her walk by her kitchen window. Well that's enough checking for me. I make my way to my next destination, then my next destination, then my next destination.

Wedding planning, house stuff, mate stuff, baby stuff, me stuff, the list is never ending. I decide to take a little detour for my sanity and stop by the bakery which is now part coffee shop.

"Marianna! My sweet girl! It has been much too long I missed your beautiful smile!" George beams moving from behind the counter to hug me. I hold him longer and tighter then usual.

"What's wrong?" Elise questions stepping out from behind the counter hugging me looking over my face.

"Nothing." I smile.

She rolls her eyes moving behind the counter inviting me back there with them.

They look at me expectantly and I know I'm not getting away without telling them what's wrong. But isn't that what I was secretly hoping for when I came here in the first place?

"I'm just stressed. It's thing after thing. Life is always so crazy and so hard and I'm just.. tired." I say breathing deeply.

"Sharing your life with 18 other people just romantically is going to be draining and time consuming. Never mind the other people you keep in your life and all the other challenges thrown your way. But you've handled most things with grace and everything with amazing strength that I don't think anyone but you could posses." Elise says George nodding and agreeing with her.

"Thank you." I say giving her hand a squeeze. She smiles and reaches into the glass container with her free hand grabbing a cookie.

"I think you need this."

"And a coffee!" George says rushing to make my coffee just the way I like it. I eat and drink happily talking about happier topics showing them some of the stuff I got today. After a bit my phone rings and Peter (Q) is asking me when I'll be home.

I thank them for the cookie and coffee and for the listening ears before Loki teleports in and takes me away.

"I thought you were going to run errands?" Peter (Q) questions as we sit down for dinner.

"I finished a bit earlier and wanted to see Elise and George." I answer taking a bite of mashed potato.

"Do you miss it?" Natasha asks.

I nod, "but I definitely don't have time for it."

"We can try to find a way darling." Vision say holding my hand under the table.

I shake my head, "I will combust if we keep piling things on." I laugh. They don't find it as funny.

"We just want you to be happy not combusting." Peter (P) says.

"I am happy just tired and busy."

"Tell us how to help you, you don't always have to take everything on yourself my love." Stephen says everyone murmuring their agreements. I lean against Vision thankful.

Things may be crazy, chaotic and an overall mess 99% of the time but I wouldn't trade it for a "normal" life.

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