Chapter Eighty- Seven

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Warning: suicide, animal cruelty/ abuse, violence

I rub my eyes my head pounding slowly rising until I remember what happened. I shoot up and look around.

There are two massive wolves chained to the throne room walls thrashing around snarling at me. The chains fall and they immediately lunge at me. My heart begins pounding and I'm frozen in fear. I'm back in the basement 10 years old again locked in with a ravenous dog. Except there's two and they're wolves. My first instinct is to run but all around me is blocked off. I feel one of them pounce on me knocking me forward biting out a chunk of my side.

I scream and they whimper backing away as I clutch my open side trying to heal faster. I sing pulling water from the air and create an ice barrier around me. Tears flow down my face and my whole body shakes. The two wolves begin clawing and throwing themselves at the ice making me jump with each thud.

Once my side has healed enough I stand.

"I'm not a little girl anymore Aaron. You can't beat me down." I sing unfreezing my barrier turning it into ice shards and impaling both of the wolves sending them flying back into the wall unmoving and limp.

"I'm sorry." I say looking at them before my body collapses and I'm unconscious again.

I shoot awake this time ready to pounce and it's a good thing I did because immediately a sword is swung at my head and I just narrowly ducked out of the way and when I see my attacker I feel my blood rise.

I waste no time in letting out a scream making Sif drop to her knees clutching her ears her sword falling.

I hold my note as I pick up the sword turning it in my hands with a slight smirk. I wink before swinging the sword down chopping her head off with one fell swoop her body falling to the floor with a thud, blood spurting out of her severed neck on me, on the throne room walls, everywhere. Once again my body falls to the floor going unconscious.

And again, I shoot awake looking around. I'm in my room in the castle in my pjs thank Neptune it was just a dream. Bruce has his suitcase on the floor and looks nervous.

"Where are you going?" I ask sitting up.

"We're leaving." He says not looking at me.

"Ookay? Let me change and I'll start packing." I say starting to get up but he stands and stops me.

"We're leaving you Marianna."

"W-what?" My lip trembles.

"We don't want to share someone who can't even give us a family." Tears well up in my eyes and I can't even look at him.

"I'm sorry. We can keep trying. I'll do the surgery. Please don't leave me." I croak voice cracking tears falling wetting my shirt.

He moves away and zips up his suitcase walking out of my room. I follow after him grabbing his arm. He jerks me off and I flinch at the rejection.

"Please stay I love you." I beg. He ignores me and I continue hysterically pleading and crying as we make our way across the bifrost. The rest of my mates are standing there with their backs looking surprised and annoyed to see me with Bruce.

"Why is she with you Bruce?" Wanda asks coldly.

"She woke up while I was grabbing the stuff I left in her room." He answers. My heart clenches at being talked about so coldly like I'm not here.

"Please. Don't leave me. I don't have anything else but you all. You're all that matters." I beg but receive nothing but cold stares.

"We deserve better than you." Peter (P) says before Heimdall teleports them back to Earth without me.

"Get your things and I'll bring you anywhere you want to go." He says not looking at me. I tread back to my room and close the door behind me. I grip my hair pacing back and forth trying to make sense of what happened, and let out a scream shattering and breaking things all around me.

I curl up in a ball trying to control my shaking.

I have nothing.


I knew I wouldn't be enough.

I stand with resolve still shaking and crying ripping off my bedding and sheets tearing them apart and tying parts together until I get a strong rope like object with a noose. I shakily push a chair over to the light fixture pulling on it to make sure it's strong enough. I tie the sheet rope around the fixture and tug on it to make sure it's sturdy. I tug the noose around my neck and adjust it so it's tighter. I take another piece and tie it around my hands extremely tight. I close my eyes and take my last breathe before kicking the chair down and letting my body fall thrashing around like fish out of water. My survival instinct kicks in and I fight against the restraints around my hands my strength fading and failing me. I keep thrashing but soon cannot as my eyes close and I'm gone.

Clint POV
Odin bursts into his holding cells and looks frantic and guilty. What did this old fucker do?

"I believe I may have taken things too far. I am sorry my boys." He says typing in a code releasing all of us from our cells. Pietro gets to him first choking him.

"What did you to her?" He seethes. Not even his sons make a move to stop or help him.

"She's with the healers." He says through a struggling voice but Pietro let's him go as Loki teleports us to where the healers are.

Everyone is standing around not doing anything looking solemn. I look down and see her limp lifeless body with rope rash around her neck and tear stains fresh on her cheeks.

"Help her! What the fuck are you doing?! Help her!" Wanda screams grabbing a healer frantically.

I grab my chest unable to catch my breath. Loki teleports out and in an instant is back with Odin.

"Wed us! Now! It may be the only way to get her back." He screams holding her lifeless body. Odin doesn't move, doesn't look either of his sons in the face.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

"Wed us!" Loki screams lifting his father by his armor and throwing his against the wall.

"Wed us now."

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