Chapter Fifty- One

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I sit across from the man crossing my legs assuming a business position.

"After hearing you talk about your sons mother, your wife and mate I presume, I understand why your planet is so guarded. Why you are so guarded." He narrows his eyes as I continue, "but that doesn't mean you should completely close yourself off to the galaxy. Especially when a planet full of good people needed your help." He raises his eyebrows confused.

"Altore IV" he shoots over his desk knocking me down in the chair pressing the knife to my throat again. I make no effort to move looking bored. When he sees I have no interest in fighting he rises off of me slowly keeping the knife pointed at me. I fix the chair and sit back in the seat dusting myself off.

"When I was a child my mother's boyfriend would beat me until he put his hands on my mother and I killed him I hadn't grown control of my powers yet. Years later when she introduced me to her new boyfriend and my powers were under my control on my command I almost killed him. And instead of turning me in he covered for me. Said he couldn't remember what happened but I saw the fear in his eyes when I saw him for the first time after. When he was recovered he moved to Poseidon knows where. And me and my mother never spoke about it again and needless to say there have been no more boyfriends."

"Sorry about your family drama but what does this have to do with our war?" He grows annoyed. I roll my eyes and continue.

"Clearly he was a good man. He was well within his rights to turn me in or kill me himself, but my mother had told him beforehand what we had been through. He could've loved my mom. Helped her feel less alone in a world without her mate. But because I was rightfully scared I ruined it. And any other future chances at happiness. It's okay to be scared to take the leap, it's not okay to be afraid and alone forever, or force others to be."

Tears fill his eyes, "it sounds like something my wife would say." He smiles tears threatening to spill. I stand and slowly lower the knife he's kept pointed at me removing it from his hands putting it down before wrapping him in a hug.

"End this war with Altore and with yourself. It's time to open your planet to possibility again." He squeezes me and I let him hold me until he's ready to let go rubbing his back gently.

"Can I have my son back?" He asks making me snort as he pulls away.

"Yes, he's probably tied up right now so apologies in advance and the ship he's on currently has one of the three leaders from Altore on it as a representative." He moves to his desk pulling out a mess of papers and a feather quill pen and ink he waves his hand and words appear on the papers.

"Moyra come in here and don't kill or maim the outsider please!" The king yells out.

The door opens as he leans into me, "what's your name?"

"Marianna Yanis." I hold out my hand which is quickly swatted away by Moyra who gets a disapproving glare from the king.

"She is free to touch me as she pleases Moyra. Thank you for your concern but Marianna is to be respected." The woman apologizes as the king looks at me again.

"You may call me Avian."

"Thank you King Avian."

"Just Avian is fine." He smiles. And Moyra looks utterly confused.

"I will be gone for a bit Moyra. Make sure nothing happens and do not do anything rash without my permission." He says waving a device.

"Can I have my ship back?" I quietly chime in. Avian chuckles with a nod. We walk through the halls and every person we see goes to brandish their weapon but Avian reassures them and they listen reluctantly. When we get to the ship I frown looking at the damage.

"Damn I like this one." I mutter. Getting into the ship breathing a sigh of relief that the damage isn't as bad as it looks. I call for Stephen and he appears even faster than before. I explain to him our conversation and what happened.

"But my ship is not flyable and I didn't just want to leave it behind." I finish. He opens the portal back into our ship and I call for my super strength mates to push the ship into the portal opened into the hangar of our ship. When we finally get it in we convene at the bar/ lounge.

Torval and Avian sit across from each other not glaring but not looking happy either.

"I should start with an apology to you and all of Altore for being a coward. For letting my wife's death blind me and fill my heart with hate." The man explains exactly what caused him to be led to this point and I walk over and rest a comforting hand on his shoulder as he talks about his wife.

"I'm sorry about your wife king Avian. And I apologize for stealing from you and your planet. We were in dire need and had no choice at the point. Either we stole or died and you clearly understand needing to protect what you have left after something is taken from you. We were taken from our home and our people needed to protect what they had left." Torval frowns.

"We would like to offer double what we took."

"That won't be necessary. All I would like is your signature for peace. This is a magically binding contract saying that we will no longer be at war and our planets will be allies to each other. He hands the contract to Torval. He reads it carefully before taking the feather quill pen and signing. Avian signs as well and holds out the quill to me.

"Oh uh thanks but I don't speak for Earth." I awkwardly smirk.

They both look at me expectantly.

"Let me be a little more clear I can't speak for Earth. There are world leaders who would not be thrilled if I just went signing the world into a contract with two alien planets." I explain as gently as I can.

""If there is any problem we would go to you not your "world leaders" so why does it matter?" Torval crosses his arms.

"Exactly your world leaders wouldn't be the ones helping us. It would be you. And those people." Avian motions to my mates.

"So why don't you sign once I add into the contract that we are not to tell anyone about this contract from Earth unless it is your wish to do so. We will only come to you for help. So it's more like you're just signing for yourself instead all of Earth. Of course we will help if Earth is in trouble because of you but we will only ask you for help so you don't have to go through the trouble of your world leaders." Avian smiles.

"Sounds like they just want to keep contact with you." Steve crosses his arms.

"We do." They say simultaneously.

"But that doesn't mean we don't want peace between our planets and the chance to pay back Marianna for her help." Torval says, Avian nodding in agreement adding exactly what he said to the documents.

I turn to my mates to gauge what they're thinking. They all look just as unsure as me, but they also look just as considering. This is a chance to gain intergalactic allies. I'd be stupid not to sign.

I pick up the quill and sign my name.

I grab a bottle from the bar and iron suits take action getting more bottles and snacks pouring drinks for everyone.

"Cheers!" We clink our glasses together taking a long sip out of our glasses. Avian finishes his drink in one sip eyes widening when he puts his glass down.

"My son!"

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