Chapter 3

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Kayla's P.O.V

Augut's left for the studio and me and the kids are here by ourselves,i went in the dance room watching a.j, i smiled because a.j can dance but he cant sing and lani can't dance but she can sing....he was dancin to a remixed song and he had some moves he stopped and looked at me through the mirror that stretched to one side of the room to the other side

A.j:*catching his breath* what happened

Me: nothing just seein what chu doin

A.j: where's dad

Me: he left and went to the studio

A.j: *grabbs a towel* really

Me: yeah...

a.j went and grabbed a bottle of baby oil and poured it on the floor

Me: what are you going

A.j:*puts his finger on his lips*

He kept squirting the oil on the floor, a few minutes later kalani ran upstairs and came in i forgot all about the oil and she slipped, i couldnt help but laugh a little bit

Kalani: *mad*

A.j: next time dont push me down the stairs

Kalani: *tryin to get up*

She fell right back down ....after a.j got a good laugh he went to help her and she pulled him right down with her and they started laughing together making me smile, i left them there and went downstairs and august was calling my phone

me: hello

august: wassup babey

me: nothing why you callin

august: just checkin up on my ladey

Me: oh okay, well i'm fine

August: what chu doin

Me: breathing

August: what is lani and a.j doin

Me: having an oil fight upstairs in the dance room

August; eh sound like somethin they would be doin

Me: yeahh.......did you put something together yet

August: actually i did

Me; well i'd love to hear it when its put together

August: some day........when its done

Me: imma get some food ready

August; tommorow we are going out

Me: okay august

August: alright.......bye

Me: later

I leaned on the dresser and put my phone down and ran my fingers through my hair

Kalani's P.O.V

Me:*laughing* a.j stop

I've been trying to get up for the longest and a.j keeps pushing me down, after a while i got up and went downstairs because daniel was texting me and i didnt want a.j all up in my ear

daniel: *text* are you ignoring me

Me: no

Daniel: what were you doing

Me: i was playing with a.j

Daniel: i miss you lani

I looked up from my phone not knowing what to say, then a.j walked in my room and snatched my phoen

Me: A.J !!!!

a.j: your keeping this secret from mom and dad way to long

Me:*looking down*

A.j; lani he's 19 years old........nigga about ta be 20

Me: i know

A.j:*raises his eyebrow* this what the hell he means i miss you

Me: I dont know

A.j: when was the last time you saw him

Me: ...................................saturday

A.j: this is illegal

Me: we're not sleeping around

A.j: betta not be cuz if it is then im gonna (GCO)

Me:*reaching for my phone and yells* it's nun of your buisness august

He threw my phone on the bed

A.j:you right that's why when it back fires and hit's you dont come cryin to me

He walked out and i closed my door and picked my phone and finshed texting him

Me: i gotta go

Daniel; why do you always do that lani

Me; okay i missed you too

Daniel: i'm coming ta seee you

Me: you know that's not a smart idea

Daniel: explain why babe

Me: becuase of my father and my brother

Daniel: so what , if you love me then you wouldnt worry about them

Me: what are you talking about, they are my brother and MY father, there's no way i'm picking a boy over them

Daniel: fine if you feel dat way then dont text me

Me: that's fine, becuase your usually the first person texting me

Daniel: w.e

I put my phone down thinkin...if my father was to find out about diggy i'd be in a lot of trouble and ive been into alot of that lately......

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