chapter 78

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Kayla's P.O.V

I was waiting for the pregnacy test, today i have to go the studio but i need to take this test, i picked it up as my leg started shaking up and down

Me: nooo nooo noooo

It was positive , and i was really scared for some reason......i put it down and held my head in my hands and i started crying.....what am i gonna do...i grabbed tissue wiping my eyes.......what ever it is that i have to do, i need to be mature, i already have two kids, now i just have to prepare for another baby.................if the bay is aug's or trey's it doesnt matter as long as its my baby imma always be here, i got up and threw the pregnacy test away and i hid the box with the other two in the cabinent then i started getting ready...

After my shower i put on white jeans and a white tank top with a blue jean shirt and white heels, then i pulled my hair back in a high ponytail and put my masscara and eyeliner on and red lipstick, then i put on my shades and got ready to go picking up my pocket book, august came in sweating and it was obvious he was working out, he grabbed my waist kissing my face

me: august stop

i said trying to move away i needed to hurry up and meet sean

August: cmere where you bouta go

Me: to the studio now let go aug

August: whyyy i wanna quicki befo you go

me: no!! AUGUST STOP

i pushed away and slapped him, he looked away and took a deep breath i pushed his hands off me and then i left, i got in my car and just drove...i know august doesnt know but for gods sake he always wanna have sex....i pulled up to the studio and went in side where sean sat waiting on his phone

Me: wass up

i said closing the door smirking, he got up and hugged me

sean: i started thinking you was gone bail out on me

me: na

sean: i started on the beat ....shit cool

Me: well lemme hear

i said sitting down he started it and it did sound cool, august called me and i shook my head and turned my phone off, i looked at sean after the beat cut off

Me: if you trust me you'll let me freestyle

Sean: singin

Me: yup

sean:*smile* ight. Immma trust you, imma go in first

me: okay

as the day went on all we did was work work and work in on our song, and it was almost done,we just sat back takin a break

sean: you nd aug goin ta new york

me: yea

sean: den you gone be on fire cuz you gotta lot ta do

ne: i do

Sean: gotta preform the song with aug, nicki, chris, nd myself

i honestly didnt know i had yo do all of that plus my own single, that mean nothing but rehersal

Me: that show is after the b.e.t awards?

sean: yeah............august 25

Me:*thinking* sean whats today

Sean: the 18th

me: shit....shit, shit, shit

November 18 its me and august's aniversary........

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