Chapter 61

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*five months later*

Kayla's P.O.V

Its been hard these past months but im not stopping it from my life, today im thinking on idea's for a.j birthday.....august is just a mess right now, ever since he's been out the hospital nobody doesn't want to have nothing to do with him, hes career is goin down the drain....but that has nothing to do with me....... I went downstairs and started making dinner, i dont feel bad about keeping August's life support up, because i did it off of the kindness of my heart, but now i see even after he died and came back he still has his old ways....lani came downstairs and watched me

Me: ............ Wheres yoyr brother

Lani: i dont know maybe with his girlfriend

Me:*raises my eyebrow* girlfriend??!!!

Lani: yeah

Me:................ Did he talk of something he wanted to do for his birthday

Lani: he wanted a party

Me: that seems something he'd want

I finished making dinner and remembered that next week im making the divorce final....i let out a big sigh and went upstairs and started looking for a party planner

August's P.O.V

I was high right now, and i wanted more so i went looking for a bag nd dea wasnt nun dea I went in my pocket to get sone money and i was broke....i aint even have five cents in my pocket

Me: shayyyyyyyyy

I yelled, dis place was disgustin, she came in and looked at me

Shay: what

Me: lemme hold 50

Shay: i dont have 50 dollars

Me: dont FUCKIN play with me....give me 50


Me: who you yellin at

Shay:*looks down*

Me: fuck fuck you

I grabbed my shades and hat and left, da only person dat i knoe got cash on ha right na is kayla.......i went over there nd da gate was closed ....

Me: open da doe cindy

Cindy: i cant aug

Me: WHY!!!!.........dis my house

Cindy: sorry aug

I sucked my teeth and stepped on da gas driving through da doors, i got out nd rung da doe md lani answered

Kalani:*looks disgusted* dad is that you

Me: yeah you ont recognize ya own pops doesn't want chu here

Me: cmon lemme in

She tucked in her bottom lip nd let me in nd i went upstairs.....i opened the door nd kay was on the bed on her computer

Kayla: what the hell are you doing in here GET OUT

Me: i need ta borrow some money kay

Kayla: you have got to be crazy if you think im gonna give you any type of money to help you with you addiction

Me: its not an addiction

Kayla: get out of my house

Me: i need a loan

Kayla: thats your problem

Me: kay

I looked at her through my shades and she looked like she didnt care at all....i grabbed her waist and she pushed them off

Kayla: dont touch me

I bent down kissing her neck and she still pushed me

Kayla: get out!!!!........instead of begging for money to use coke beg for some money to get soap and take a shower, oh wait i forgot your lady makin sure you get out

She said pointing to the door, I clenched my jaw and left then when i got down stairs and lani looked at me with bug eyes like she was gone cry

Me: im sorry

Kalani: *hands me something* here.....i don't wanna see my dad struggling........just please get better

She hugged me and i hugged her back, she let go and went upstairs and i left when i got out and got in my car i unraveled the money it was almost two huned.....i drove to my dealer and thought how selfish kay was fa not helpin me....

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