chapter 98

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Kayla's P.O.V

i was was waiting fot the curtains......behind my mascarade mask and the outfit i was wearing, i was high...........high of the ground the harnest i was wearing liftef off the ground and my mic startef sparking and the music started, i looked at august sitting down and somehow got one saw me.....yet

Me: *singing*

I been watchin for the signs
took a trip to clear my mine ohhhh
Now im even more lost

You're still so fine
All mine...
All mine...
Been having conversations about break-ups and separations

I'm not feeling like myself since the baby
Are we gonna even make it? Oh

Cuz if we areee we're takin this a little too farr

Trey looked at me with wide eyes and August sat there just staring at me with his knuckles on his chin, i closed my eyes singing the rest and when my feet touched the floor lights boomed on stage and drake came out.


Know you wanna roll with a good girl
Do it big do it all for a good girl
One time...
This is a song for the good girl
Don't sleep when you know you got a good girl
One time...
This is a song for the good girl
Wanna roll wanna roll with a good girl
One time...
This is a song for the good girl
And I still keep it hood, still treat you like I should
What's up

Me:*walking down the rows and singing*

On my mind, I pass my bed time
No rest at the kingdom...
Alone in my place, my heart is away
All that I can think of is...
We should get married, we should get married
Let's stop holding back on this and let's get carried away

Stop making a big deal out of the little things,
Cause I got big deals and I got little things
I got everything I'm asking for but you...
Stop making a big deal out of the little things,
Let's get carried away...
Come right now you know where I stay...

I passed august and i just know that he smiled, i felt better knowing that after this song well hoping after this preformance trey will get the point....that august is my only one....hes .........hes mine

Both {drake and i}:

I just wanna say your mine, your mine
I just wanna say your mine, your mine
Fuck what they heard your mine, your mine
All I'm really asking for is you...
Your mine, your mine
I just wanna say your mine, your mine
Fuck what they heard your mine, your mine
Long as you know who you belong to...


Know you wanna roll with a good girl
Do it big do it all for a good girl
One time...
This is a song for the good girl
Don't sleep when you know you got a good girl
One time...
This is a song for the good girl
Wanna roll wanna roll with a good girl
One time...
This is a song for the good girl
And I still keep it hood, still treat you like I should
What's up

The dancers on stage were doing their thing while i tried to make my way upstage, the lights cut off and the whole stadium went black and i was pulled up on stage by somebody and they sat me down, i couldnt see, and this wasnt apart of reharsal

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