Chapter 30

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Kayla's P.O.V

I finished taking a shower and I looked in the mirror and my eyes were still blood shot's been a month and a half and I've had some people go look for him and nothing has come up....I put on skinny jeans and a burgundy shirt and black pumps I haven't walked out this house in so long...I put my hair up in a high ponytail and put on my Prada shades , with a coat of burgundy long lasting lipstick then I grabbed my bag and got ready to go....Imani wanted me to meet her at a cafe .....when I walked out the house feeling the breeze felt good


I went to my car and got in, then i drove to the cafe.....I'm not gonna lie I was looking at every tall boy with a hoodie that was walking thinking it was a.j....when I pulled up to the cafe I got out and saw Imani at the door....she saw me and ran to me hugging life out of me

Imani: I'm so glad your out side


We went in and I got a cappuccino and a muffin and we sat down

Imani: so how are you feels like.....he's hes been kidnapped....but he's not

Imani: I know he's gonna be okay.....that boy is tough

Me:*eats my muffin*

Imani: what about's he holding up with the situation

Me: he walks around like he didn't kick him out, as if he doesn't care....and lani sleeps in a.js bed every night.....sometimes August goes and picks her up putting her in her own bed

Imani: *shakes her head*

Me: *looks out the window*

Imani: we're gonna go to the spa and your gonna get all that stress massaged outta you

Me: that sounds great

We went shopping and then we went to the spa and ends it off with dinner, today I had a nice time.....

A.j's P.O.V

My hand was shaking.....every time I tried to call my mom I'll get scared.....I picked up his phone and eased my way downstairs out the door and ran all the way 5 blocks down....that was the worst trap house I've ever been hand kept shaking as I dialed the number

Mom: hello

Me:*trying not to cry* mom

Mom:a.j!!! Oh my god.......a.j where are you

Me: I'm okay.......I guess

Mom: a.j please come home

Me: I -I-(GCO)

The phone disconnected and I got mad and threw it on the floor...


I said cursing at the shattered phone on the floor...I can't go home, because my father is just gonna kick me out again....I bent down and sat down, I ran outta money and I have nothing...I grabbed my hair as I felt my heart beating's not's not right that I gotta do this on my own....I got up and kicked the side of the building and screamed


???: isn't that Kay Marie's son

I was panicking and didn't know what to do

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