Chapter 63

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Kayla's P.O.V

It was 10 o'clock and this place was already packed with horny teenager....and a.j was no where to be found......i was holding my phone and it started ringing , wgen i looked it was kalani

Me: hello

I said over the loud music hoping mot to miss a word she says

Kalani: mom can i please come

Me: nooo

Kalani: please im boreddd

Me: no and that's final

I said hanging up, i felt someones hand squeeze my ass hard, i turned around and one of these little boys was behind me.......

Me: little boy

I said looking up pointing my finger up in his face

Me: keep those hands to yourself

???:*smile* yes ma'am

I looked at him like he was crazy and Walked away, trey made his way through the crowd towards me the music got loud then the lights cut off and the song that came on made me smile and i shook my head because i knew a.j would come out to this song

Song : man of the year

Bruh, I see, girls everywhere
Titties, ass, hands in the air, it's a party over here
Shake it for the man of the year
Uh, man of the year, man of the... bounce

He came out and did his little dance and i smiled


Me:*smiling at a.j* huh

Trey: aug is outside tryin to get in

Me:*shakes my head*

I didnt wanna be bothered with anything involved with aug, i wasnt even staying for long, i was about to get ready to go, the music was so loud you could feel the base at the bottom of the floor....when i looked back over to see a.j everyone was around him hugging him and stuff he was so tall i was able to spot him easily

Trey: you stayin the whole night

He yelled over the loud music

Me:*shakes my head* no imma bout to leave

A.j came over to me smiling and bent down hugging me

A.j: thank you

Me: your welcome happy birthday

A.j: thanx

He looked at his phone then back at me

Me: imma bout to go alright

A.j:*scrunches his eyebrows together* why

Me: *shrugs* so you can have more fun

A.j:*sucks his teeth* imma have fun if your here too..........i need you to stay a while tho

Me: okay

Trey dapped him into a hug and a.j smiled as they talked but i couldn't here anything, so far everything was going great

A.j's P.O.V

Its almost 1 o'clock nd nobody tired.......i looked nd wondered where faith was .....i was drinking and nobody knew it, my red cup was filled with pineapple juice nd hennesy......i looked up nd sonebody tapped me nd i turned to look at taylor

Taylor: happy birthday

She looked good, or i think this is just my drink....i smiled and wrapped my arm around her hugging her

Me: thank you

Taylor: i was thinking you probably didn't wanna see me here

My hand slid down to her ass and at first i aint think nothing of it so i left it where it was

Me: na i ont mind you here


I moved my hand and she grabbed my shirt nd pulled me down

Taylor: i miss you


Taylor: *lay her hand on my stomach*

I raised my cup to my lips and took a sip and almost choked when i heard what she wanted to do tonight

Me: why you wasnt actin this freaky when we was messing around

Taylor: *shruggs*

I ont wanna be like my dad, im with faith nd taylor all on me nd not wrong for thinking about havin a threesome with these two i?.....

Me: hol up

I thought i saw faith and i did nd she was lookin better..........what the hell up wif deez girls she came up to me and smiled.....

Faith: happy birthday babe

She said kissing my ear, giving me chills....

Taylor: *looks at faith with her eyebrow raised*

Me: taylor ill be back

I walked away with faith in my arm while i drunk out the other one

Me: why you comin so late

I said lookin at her body we were downstairs in the hallway by the bathrooms

Faith: because...

Me: cuz what

Faith: i wanted you to have as much fun

Me: why everybody keep sayin that

Faith: *looks in my eyes*

She was wearin this short ass dress nd it stuck to her body perfectly, nd her back was cut and she had her hair out in curls

Me:*drinks* can i get a notha present tonight

Faith:*touches my chest* nd what that

I licked my lips as she leaned up on her heels nd kissed me

Me: i wanna have a threesome

She pulled away and looked at me with wide eyes, then they got low

Faith: ill think about it

Me:*smile nd squeezes her ass*

We went upstairs and i looked at taylor, this almost the best birthday.......untill i saw the tall guy with a snap back and shades walk father

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