Chapter 110

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August's P.O.V

I was sleep nd somebody kept shakin me....

Me: hmmm

???; can you get up

I opened my eyes a lil nd it was lani

Me: what happen

Kalani: dad can you please tell that lady to shut up I can't go back to sleep

I looked nd it was 3 in the mornin

Me: cmon

She climbed on the bed and got in the middle....

Me: better


She got under the covers and fell asleep....I can't just go tell Amy to shut up....she still in pain...but then again she can't be keepin us up....I got up and rubbed my eyes leavin lani and Kay in da bed nd I went in Amy's room....I opened da door nd she was by the window looking out and cryin

Me: aye

I walked over to her nd she looked at me

Amy: *sobbing* I'm sorry if I'm keeping you guys up

Me: yeah you are.......but I know we're you comin from cuz Kay went through the same thing twice


Me: can't spend da rest of your life cryin by da window.....I felt da same way when my brotha died

Amy: really

Me:*nod*...... But eventually I had ta carry on ........cuz I know that's what he wanted me ta do

Amy: *wipes her eyes*'s hard moving on.........because every time I try to forget something makes me remember

Me: I Neva said it was gone be easy.......cuz it is gonna take a while........but I'm tellin you sittin hea mopin by da window ain't gone help


Me: you hungry?....... Neva seen you walk outta here

Amy: very

Me: cmon den

We walked down stairs and I heated her up something real quick and she ate....... I was tired nd couldn't wait till she fell asleep

Amy: I'm so lucky that you and Kayla gave me a hand.....I don't know what I would have done

Me: any close friend of Kay's is a close friend ta me


Me:*acting surprised* gosh.....somebody smilin aww shit I ain't think I'll see dat smile Eva again



After she ate she washed her dish and went upstairs....nd she laid down....literally two minutes later she was lightly snoring....I left nd got back in my own bed

Kayla's P.O.V

I woke up and lani was in my face snorin...I backed up and pushed hair out her face and got up.......I went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth nd stuff and grabbed my robe walking out,..I stopped in the hallway because I smelled pancakes and stuff but I didn't hear crying

Me:*wispering* yessssss

I happily went down stairs expecting to see August making breakfast...instead it was Amy making breakfast talking to August and they were laughing and stuff........I don't know why but my smile faded.......and no.......... I wasn't jealous

Amy: good morning

me: good morning

August:*kisses my cheek* slept good last night

Me: *nodds my head*

He made me sit down and He sat down next to me

Amy: I slept so good yesterday

Me: someone's in a better mood

Amy: yea a little......last night I guess I woke one of you up because August came in and talked to me, and I ate and dozed off

Me:*lightly smiles and looks at August*

August:*nervously looks away*


Amy: I made breakfast so

Me: actually I'm not hungry

Amy: are you sure I mean (GCO)

Me: I'm and August can eat I'm gonna go back upstairs

I left and when I got in the bed I turned around me got on my phone....I'm mad ...because the food smelt good and I was hungry, but I felt iffy about this

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