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The whole thing is done!!!.....No more August nd Kayla ......okay their not all the way done you'll still hear from them every now and then but yeah, their finished. I'm gonna mark this book as complete although later on when I have some time I guess I'll put together something to show all the characters that ever played in any of the three stories but anyhow, thank y'all  soooooooo much for y'all love and support. I don't think you guys  understand y'all made me wanna keep writing and I really appreciate that, you guys are the best nd I hope y'all know this is just a continuous journey of what I have to show

There's the song that they worked on....although it's k Michelle we gone act like its Kayla, and yes the girl from the last chapter and this chapter is Kayla which is also the same girl from the very first chapter in Missunderstood, if you don't beileve me go check. And again thank you loves


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