Chapter 32

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Kayla's P.O.V

when we got to the hospital lani and a.js friend was staring" there with blood on their hands and he was holding lani as she cried ......and Chris and Imani was there my eyes burned as I made my way to the desk clerk

Desk clerk:*hands me tissue* ma'am I'm sorry, but no one can go back there he's still in surgery.....

I went and sat down and Imani came over and rubbed my back...when lani and the boy came and sat down he was still holding her and She was shaking, August came and it's like the devil came and took over because I was on top of August slamming his head on the floor while he tried to grab my hands

Me:*crying and starts punching*

I was picked off his and started kicking and kicked him in the head

Me:*crying and pointing* my baby is in there

Chris walked away holding me by my stomach, he let me down and looked at me

Chris: there's a possibility a.j might not make it and your sitting here half way killing August

Me: it's because of him he's in there

Chris: Kay ...*shaking his head* everyday aug went lookin fa him.....every single day den he'll come to the studio and talk about how he regretted kicking him out....he ain't wanna tell you he couldn't find him because you would've bugged out, he just had hope that he'd find him one day

I didn't know August was doing that, I liked at the side of Chris and Imani was helping August up and he was rubbing the side of his head

Chris: he's more scared then you are

I walked away and went back in the waiting room where it was 3 o'clock in the morning and there was a little bit of people there....August looked at me still rubbing his head, he looked mad, but when I got atlease one inch close to him he roughly grabbed me pulling me in a hug and I cried instantly as I wrapped my arms under him and held his shoulders I cried hard thinking about possibly loosing my a.j

August: shh

He said as his chin rested on my head

August: he's gone make it

Me: *muffle* I hope so babe I hope so

After a while I stopped crying and August held me as we sat on the head rested on his chest and after a while my eyes got low and I fell asleep....

{7 am}

I woke up the waiting room was a little filled and my mom and ms.sheila was here and some other girl, Morgan was here and do was faith, there was shades on my face and when I looked up August had his head back and his arm around me with shades on to lani was sleeping on a.js friend chest and he was holding her sleeping to

Doctor: family of August

As soon as he said that everyone stood up and looked at him

August: so was up doc

Doctor: we found 5 bullets.......two in his leg and one of them almost his the major artery .....3 went through the chest....he's lost a lot of blood...he's just on some strong medication and he is in a coma right now

Me: can we see him

Doctor: yes but not everyone at once....5 at a time ....parents first

Me, August, kalani, my mother and ms.shelia went in first......when we went in I pulled up a chair and sat next to him and held his hand

I stared at his face and grazed the back of my hand against his cheek....there was so many wires hooked up to him...I was happy that he was alive, but I was still sad that he had to go through this

Ms.sheila: *tearing* why would anyone wanna do this to him

Me:....*looking at a.j*

August: because he was selling

Mom: oh lord

Ms.shelia: whatttt!!!

August: he was ....

Kalani: me and Zire went looking for him and after a while we got tired...and when he turned the corner we heard the gunshots and turned back around and saw a.j on the floor and some dude running the other way *wipes her face*

I know it was hard for lani to go through that, seeing her brother laying there almost lifeless...blood everywhere......I looked down and it was blood on her sneakers and the white part of her sweater but she didn't care....after a while other people came in to see him and talk even though he couldn't hear them ...then we decided to go home and get some rest and come back tonight

Kalani: mom I don't wanna go out there

I looked and there people out there, we brushed it off and walked out trying to get passed them to get to the car

???: did he make it

???: how did it feel finding out what happened

???: why would some one shoot him

???: August did he walk after you and start something he wasn't supposed to

August clenched his jaw and pushed past the blond woman with the note pad

???: is everything okay

???: is he in a coma

Kalani: get outta my face

August grabbed her after she took a reporters camera and threw it on the floor

Kalani: how about chu write that down

August picked her up walking faster and we got in the car.....we were quiet the whole ride home and when we got there lani got out and ran in the house

August: .........I'm sorry

Me: save that sorry for when he wakes up

August: .......don't chu think you should save ya stubborn ways right na

Me: August go ta hell .....and when you come if that's possible go back

August: what?


August: listen.....imma let chu have ta lol attitude and I'll be back later

Me: where is it that chu can possibly be going at this time August

August: you ont need ta know

I got out and slammed the door shut doing in the house

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