Chapter 6

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Kayla's P.O.V

August collasped next to me and we looked in eachother's eyes breathing a little heavy then he just pulled me close kissing me

Me:*kissing him back*

after a while we pulled away and i looked in his eyes

August: *rubbing my leg*

We layed there in quietness

August: what time is it

Me:*looks around* almost two

August: *sits up* nd da kids aint make it home yet

Me:*pulls him back down* dont worry i trust them enough to know that their okay

August:*calms down*

i lightly rubbed his jawline looking in his eyes

Me: aug

August: hmmm

Me: can i ask you a question

August: ask me what ever you want ta

Me: are you sared for our kids

August: what chu mean

Me: I mean are you scared for them....what can happen.................i worry about them a lot, every day...but then there's a side where I hope there okay

August: why

Me:lets start off with the fact that we let our two kids go to public school..

August: dat was because they started cryin about being home schooled

Me: yeah, so now they have that freedom i worry about it

August: ight, but we just gotta give them that space

Me: august dont..................because i heard you and kalani's little back and forth about her going to see her friend daniel

August: dats cuz daniel is a boy

Me: *lookin at august*.....................but chu gotta give her room remember

I thought for a quick second daniel.................daniel..............russel simmons sons name is daniel...
























.nnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,he's like 20 now, and there's no way lani is doing something that and august kept talking and i accidently brought up the fact a.j is still a virgin, and the reason i said accidently is because he told me keep it a secret..... and because august is about to make a huge deal outta this because he lost his virginity when he was like 10 so this is a huge deal for him

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