Chapter 39

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Kayla's P.O.V

I wanted to pick them up when lani text me and told me that there with a girl that they dont like, now he's confident to take my kids with him when hes around that bitch.....i put on skinny jeans , a black long sleeve shirt and my black and white 12s then i left my hair our and put my shades on, i was about to be so petty....i drove to ms.sheila's house, i knicked and she opened the door happy to see me

Ms.sheila: how you doin love

Me: not so good

Ms.sheila: why whats wrong

She said going in the kitchen

Me: everything

Ms.sheila: start with the worst problem and aug are separating

She stopped and looked at me with raised eyebrows and wide eyes

Ms.sheila: ouuu lawd what happen

She said sitting with me at the table

Me: he keeps having affairs

I was never the type to tell on august to his mom but i felt like now was the time

Ms.sheila:*shakes her head*.........i tole dat boi about dat

She mad me tell her everything.....and thats what i the end i was crying so hard i could t breathe properly......i can't keep walking around like im not hurt because deep down inside my heart hurts so bad ......she hugged me and i cried on her shoulder, for what seemed like forever

Ms.sheila: dont cry babey girl....nobody is worth ya precious tears

I stopped crying after a while and she gave me tissue

Ms.shelia: nobody deserves to be treated like dat, nd he knows better

Me:i just ding know what to do

Ms.sheila: dont go after dat girl....god will take care of it....she know she dealin wif a married man

Me:*wipes my nose*

Ms.Sheila: i know at dis point you fed up.....i would be to.......but fa now....try to relax nd don't let my son get under your skin....August know what he'll do if he loose've been here for a lot, I'll never forget when you came here as a shoulder to cry on when mel passed away ......


Ms.sheila: you a good woman.......just hang in there

Me : i will go get some rest, you look like you need it and i promise this week all three of us gone have a intervention, cuz he know betta

Me: *smile*

She hugged me and i git teady to go......i felt relieved that i was able to vent to her......when I got outside it was pouring raining ....i didn't care though i walked to my car and got inside

Kalani's P.O.V

This lady is so annoying i just wanna choke her, after our movie we went to dinner, i sat next to a.j and she sat infront of a.j abd was next to my dad

August: lani be nice

I looked at him as i put a.js crutches next to me.....the waiter came an i ordered my food

Shay: that sound good

Me: i know that's why i got it

Shay:*looks down*

My phone vibrated and when i looked it was zire, as soon as i saw it was him I smiled


Are You okay


Yeah, i cheered up because you just text me


I am glad that i made you happy without being there


😝😝im even smiling from text

💙zire😍😘. ~

I miss you and i wish i was there with you because theres only one thing i want right now


And whats that


To feel your soft lips against mine

Me: oh god

I said out loud, i looked up and all of them was looking at me


Dad: who you textin

Me: huh

A.j : someone with heart emojs and kissy faces

Me: *covers my phone* no im not

Dad: lemme see ya phone

Me: what why

Dad: i just wanna see

I pressed the side button under the table and swiped the top screen without looking down

Me: its dead

Dad: if i find out its a boy you gone be in trouble

Me: *cuts my phone back on*

I hurried up and texted him back


☺️ i wanna feel your lips too

💙zire😍😘 ~

Know what else i wanna feel😌



💙 zire 😍 😘~

Yo 🍑🍑



💙zire 😍 😘~

Call me or text me when before you go to sleep


I will😘😘

I cut my phone off and this shay lady was all up in my face

Me: what chu lookin at

Shay: i was just gonna tell you i like your hair

Me: i like a lot of things don't chu......including married men

Dad: lani please chill out


Shay: i don't remember doing anything to you......i just wanna get to know you

Me: I don't wanna get to know you.......because i don't like the fact you are "friends" with my father


It looked like i striked a nerve, a.j looked at me and smiled......

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