Chapter 71

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Kalani's P.O.V

I was at a party and i was getting ready to go, because zire told me that it was getting late and he doesnt want me out this late

Me: can i go to the bathroom before we go

Zire: hurry

I went upstairs and used the bathroom and after i washed my hands i left and someone bumped into me


He looked at me and it was diggy and he looked really drunk

Diggy: my badd..........*burp* wait lani

He grabbed my arm while i started walking back

Me: diggy get off me

Daniel: woaaaa *smile* don't go there, i miss you

Me: please get off my arm

Daniel: so you juss gone act like dat towards i don't mean shit ta you

Me: get off me

He pulled me to him and started sending sloppy kisses on my face

Daniel: i fuckin miss you

He said squeezing my butt hard

Me: diggy get off me

Daniel: look

He pulled me in the room and it was so loud nobody heard me

Me:*pushes him* lemme goooooo

I was on the bed and be hovered over me still kissing my face


he grabbed my chin while i kept moving my face

Daniel: you gone stay still


I screamed as a tear glided down my face, he smiled and the door opened and I prayed for it to be zire but it was two others boys

Daniel: can yall give us some privacy

They stayed and the door closed but they were still here

Daniel: might as well stay then

???: dats a.js sister right

Me: yess yess i am can you please help me

???: you fine as hell.......

Me: noo wait what

I laid there and thought for a sec and they were drunk to, they were talking and before i knew it my hands were pined down by one of the boys

???. Hurry up i want my turn

Me:*scream* NOOOOOOOOO

Daniel yanked my skirt off grabbed my waist kissing my stomach

Daniel:calm down lani

He said looking in my eyes........i kelt crying and he wiped my tears away

???: nigga hurry upppp

Daniel: shes scared

He said watching me cry

????: dat int got nun ta do wif me

Daniel:........ Wjy couldnt chu just let me do on my birthday

Me:*shakes my head* NOO daniel please don't do this *cry* im soryyyyyyy daniel please

He slowly slid my panties off and i crossed my legs and screamed and one of them covered my mouth and i just felt dabiel ram himself into me , i screamed because it hurted so bad.....i started shaking from crying as he grunted in my ear

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