Chapter 10

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Kalani's P.O.V

I wasnt going to daniel's birthday party and it's tonight i dont feel bad i just feel regular

A.j: *walks in*

After a while i got use to the fact that my brother/ bestfriend has dis owned me...........i've gotten used to it and up to the point were i dont care anymore

Me: why are you in my room

A.j: why do you sound mean with an attitude

Me: august get out

A.j: why you mad

Me:....................*sucks my teeth*

i got up with my phone and pushed passed him and walked out maybe i should go to daniel's party even though i'd be the youngest one there, aj was following me bothering me

A.j: laniiiiiiiii

Me:*turns around* 1 month and now your talking to me.............and dont think im stuipd because the only reason you talkin to me is because you wanna make sure im not going to daniel's party and i am.....

A.j: no your not

Me: watch me

I went back to my room and slammed the door and went into the bathroom and started getting ready....

Kayla's P.O.V

I was outside hanging out with imani, we've been walking all around l.a and talking about differnet stuff

Imani: you remember mike

Me: yeah

Imani: he might be coming back to cali

Me: i dont care

Imani: i still cant believe that you and august are still married


Here we go again...........imani keeps telling me to watch out for august, because once a cheater always a cheater august has his ways

Imani: besides that, how'd my neice and nephew

Me: there fine...............when aug comes back we're taking them to new orleans

Imani: oh that's cool

Me: yeah

We went into a store and russel simmons son was there and came up to me.....what's this boy name again, mm daniel aka diggy

Diggy: hey mrs. alsina

Why is he talking to me like we're the best of friends

Me: *looking around* heyy

He leaned on the rake of clothes looking at me, imani was looking at snapbacks

Diggy: lani looks so much like you it's both are very beautiful

Me: thank you...............are you a friend of kalani?

Diggy: yeah............we're pretty close

Me: well it was nice to meet you

Diggy: oh.........lani hasnt been answering my calls.......can you remind her aboutmy birthday party today

Me:oh happy birthday.......and i'll be sure to remind her

Diggy:*grabbs my hand and kisses it* thank you

I raised my eye brow and walked away, then i caught up with imani.............i'm cool if diggy is friends with lani becasue he doesnt look bad and just by looking at him the boy looks like he's aj's age probrably a little younger

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