Chapter 37

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Kayla's P.O.V

I was sitting there with the lawyer and we've been sitting here for two hours, my arns were across my chest and i shook my head

Ms.fret: its obvious that hes not you wanna reschedule


August walked in and this nigga bitch had the ordasity to bring rolley polley

August: i told you to wait in the car

Shay: sorry i just wanted to come

Ms.fret looked at me and then at shay

Ms.fret: ma'am this is a problem.....i don't think there should be people other her then them up here

Shay: well okay

She left and August sat at the table

Ms.fret: ummm ........with this case im going to help you guys before yall go into a divorce

Me:*lookd at her with scrunched eye brows* i dontvwant gelp when it comes to him i just want the divorce

Ms: fret: this happes with all divorce situations we try our best to help...especially in your case, you two have been married for a while and have kids

August: i like dat idea

Me: yo shut up......what the hell you mean sound good when you bring the girl that you cheated with up here

August: calm down

Me:*shruggs* calm down??.........*takes off my big hoops* its rime ro get ratchet........first imma beat cho ass then imma drag that ugly bitch ass hoe

Ms.fret: mrs.alsina please

August: *stands up* you hear matta how mad you get you always gone be my wife

I climbed over the table and august ran out the office and stood on the outside while ms.fret held me

Ms.fret: first!.....we are gonna start with marrige counseling

Me:*kicks air* fuck you

August: really? sure nows the place , even doe i don't mind dat

Me: this nigga think im playin

Ms.fret: okay........

After august was gone she gave me the counseling date........

Me: with my kids how do i do that, because hes not in the house

Ms.fret: honestly.....sometimes cases like this takes months, probably a year or the best thing righr mow is to just talk to him and the kids on how yall gonna work that out

Me: okay

I said goodbye and left, i couldn't believe he would bring her....i shook my head and drove to the nail place

A.j's P.O.V

I was in my room playing GTA5 and eating chips , drinking soda, there was a knock on my door and i was too busy trying to drive past the cops

Me: come INNN

with taking my eyes off the screen someone cams in and I eventually got caught and got wasted because i drowned in the water, when i looked to he side taylor was there.....😒

Taylor: *shyly smile* heyy

Me: what are you doing here

Taylor: im seein how you doin

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