chapter 92

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August's P.O.V

We were out to da movies nd somebody rung da bell

Kalani: i got it

She went downstairs and i sat on the bed and looked at kay

Kayla:why you starin

Me: cuz i want to

Kayla: weirdo

Me: cmea

Kayla: no aug i need to finish getting ready...

Me: ight i got chu when we gone back

Kalani: dadddd

I kissed her cheek and went downstairs, lani was talkin to a boy....

Zire's P.O.V

I was real scared, lani is making me meet her father, its been a couple of weeks since we got back together but we've been talking about this for a long time, he came down stairs and looked at me

Mr.alsina: who you

Kalani: dad this is (gco)

Mr.alsina: he can introduce himself

I looked at lani and took a deep breath, and put my hand out to shake

Me: im zire, nice to meet chu mr.alsina

He stared at me for a long time before he shook my hand , with a strong ass grip it gelt like he crushed my fingers but i had to act like it didnt hurt

Mr.alsina: cmon tire, lani we'll be back

Me: its zire

Mr.alsina:*looks at me* my fault

He put his hand on my shouoder and led me out the house, and I followed .....we were walking away from the house, nd i was scared maybe he'd kill me and get rid of the evidence

Mr.alsina: i heard all about chu

Me: really

Mr.alsina: lani doesnt like talkin bout chu ........but den a.j does, nd i aint like da shit i heard?

I shoved my hands in my pockets.....seems like he doesn't hold his tongue

Me: what did you hear just dont sound like a boy i want my daughter to be with......

Aww shit! I said in my head......

Me: i love your daughter and i know what im talking not gonna lye to you mr.alsina me and kalani broke up for a while and that whole time we were broken up i wasnt in the mood to do anything because i was use to her, she was actually the reason ill drag myself outta bed just so i could go to school and see her, i probrobly did some stupid things but i never and never will i put her in any type of if you was to ask me i dont think im a boy lani shouldnt be around

Mr.alsina:..........................i aint ask you ....dats da thing..........but i guess you opinnion old are you 17

Mr.alsina:....................imma ask you sumthin wire,...............nd i hope you answer wif da truth.........cuz you would know da answer


After a while imma just let him call me whatever becuase he's gonna do it anyway

Mr.alsina:......,,my daughter still a virgin??

Me:*sighs* sir

Mr.alsina: nd im guessin dats all on you right


Mr.alsina:...................I'm really tryin not ta explode ........hold on

I backed up and started walking away ain't no way I'm dyin tonight .....I haven't smoked since this morning and I haven't said a proper goodbye to my mother be sister and my little brother let alone kalani thinks we're just talking he's really gonna kill me😟😟😟

Mr.alsina: gire !!!!!

I looked back and kinda freaked out

Mr.alsina: get cho scary ass back hea mane ain't nobody finna hurt

I thought while I walked back......I did wanna tell him my name wasn't gire but like I said he already made up his mind what my name is when I got to him he looked at me and laughed....then got serious after he finished laughing

Mr.alsina: na for real..............if you really love her imma tell you dis,....................when you turn 18, kalani will be 16 years old

Me: i know

Mr.alsina: if you took her virginity away nd shes dis age, i expect yall two to still be together when your 18....i ont like da fact dat kalani is datin but chu ont seem bad,.......but i swear .......da day she walks home cryin cuz of you, imma find you and break ya legs....

My mouth dropped open, and he was so serious....

Me:........m-m-m........imma need these

Mr.alsina: i know.......nd it da pend how mad i am cuz den you could kiss ya fingers good bye ............i aint jokin mane..........dats my babey gurl you messin wit

Me: i understand

Mr. Alsina: what are your plans afta highschool

He asked as we walked back to the house

Me: i like basketball so after highschool imma go to college and still try for the nba

Mr.alsina: mmh, you got high expectations

Me: i know

Mr.alsina: your gonna graduate befo lani you know dat right

Me: yeah...........but i still plan on being with her after i graduate, try to balance the relationship and my goals

He stopped and looked at me with his eye brow raised

Mr.alsina: you sayin all da right things.........dat could be suspisious..........what is it that chu do lani dont know about

Me:*chuckle* .........your probly gonna change your mind about us being together if i tell you

Mr.alsina: is it dat bad

Me: i smoke.........

Mr.alsina: weed right?

Me: *nod*

Mr.alsina: this is l.a lotta people smoke it..............juss cuz of da fact its legal

He was actually a cool, man.....when we got back to their house , lani came and hugged me

Lani: thank god your still alive

A lady im guessing lani's mom came down was her, shes beautiful....

Mrs.alsina: hello

Me: look different with your hair

I was use to seeing kay marie with black hair not red, she came up to me and shook my hand

Me: now i see where lani gets it from

Mrs.alsina: gets what

Me: her looks



Lani reached up and stuck her finer in my dimple

Me: your so weird

Kalani: yeah i know.......are we ready

Mrs.alsina: mmhmm cmon

They walked ahead and lani looked at me

Lani:howd it go

Me: good.......just no matter what dont let chur dad see you cry

Lani: *smile* okay

I grabbed her hand kissing her cheek

Lani: watch it

We went and got in a car, it was a nice car too when i sat back a.j came out and i slouched down, i hope tonight ends well

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