Chapter 15

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August's P.O.V

It's been three days since we've been in New Orleans. Kay loosened up on me, so now she talkin to me a lil bit. Shay still text me after I told her we gotta slow it down. Today I was thinkin bout gettin anotha tatto on my arm to complete my sleeve kay walked in and I just looked at her body

Kayla:*smile* what?

Me: *smirk* nun

I leaned over and touched her waist den softly grabbed dem pullin her closer to me, she was standin up while I was sittin, I kissed her stomach and looked up at her.............sometimes I wonder why do I cheat if I got a sexy ass wife. I think to myself and I always have the same answer....caught up in the moment, she cupped my face and bent down and kissed. After a long passionate kiss she pulled away

Kayla: what am I gonna do with you?

She said lookin in my eyes...she looked so innocent, I knew what her question meant and it wasn't sexually.......she was thinking about leavin me nd Neva Lookin back

Me: you should keep me

Kayla: of course you'd say that

She let go of my face and started walking away

Me: would you Eva leave me kay

She looked back and grabbed her jeans putting them on

Kayla: I'm not gonna lie to you aug *buckling her jeans * the other day I started looking for a lawyer

Me:*lookin at her* who you sewin

Kayla: I'm not sewin anyone ......I'm thinking about filing for divorce August hell you is

My eyebrows went down nd she went to get ha sneakers

Kayla: I'm not doing this with you for ever

Me:* shakin my head* I ain't signin no papers

Kayla: *sighs* we're not talking about this right now

Me: you right we ain't talkin bout dis eva..............*shakin my head* I ain't lettin you go

Kayla: you don't have to let me go .....because I'm already leaving

She put her shirt on and threw her 10's on ........I ain't worryin bout shit cuz I ain't lettin kay file fo divorce...she could ...but dem papers ain't gone have my signature on them

Kayla's P.O.V

After I was dressed and did my hair and make up I had a driver waiting downstairs for me. I grabbed my coat and left I wanted to do a little shopping and take a trip down bourbon

When I got to the mall I was really excited. I went into sax and got some dresses and shoes, I had my shades on expecting no one to notice me. When I was done I walked online for some pretzels from aunt Anne's .....a boy stood next to me when I looked he was way taller then me with a nice milk chocolate complexion and a snap back that was turned to the back and I couldn't help to look at the tattos that started at his neck

The guy: *smile* afta noon ms. Ladey

His accent was really thick and his smile was .........perfect

Me: good after noon

The guy: I go by trev.......but my name Trevor doe

Me:*smile* my name is kayla

Trevor:*kisses my hand* I like dat name , it fits yo Beauty

By now I was blushing he was still holding my hand as he took my ring finger and played with my ring.....I took my free hand and rised my shades up and put them on top of my head in my hair...

Trevor: who Eva dis man dat chu married ta ain't treatin you right

Me:*raises my eye brow* how you figure

Trevor: I ont know ....I'd Juss think if I had a fine ass wife as yo self ....I wouldn't have you walkin up in hea by yo self.....nd dem bag marks sho you ont get enough sleep...I would make sho my babey always rest ha pretty lil head on my chest every night

Me:*lightly pulls my hand away* well my husband is actually a nice man

A paper fell out my bag and Trevor was quick to pick it up and look at it before handing it to me

Trevor: so nice you wanna divorce

The card was a card to the divorce attorney I met

Me: it was nice meeting you Trevor but I gotta go

Trevor: can I at lease get cho number

I thought and next thing I knew I was saving my number in this mans phone

Trevor:Mmm *looking at his phone* I knew yo sexy ass looked dat singer, my momma likes you.....nd yo husband dat Alsina nigga

Me: yea

Trevor: well go on wit cho shoppin

I was about to start walking but he pulled me in a hug and slid his hands to my ass squeezin it, after a while I pulled away and he smirked while his eye brows remained raised

Trevor: Lata my ladey

He walked away leaving me standing there dumbfounded I got my pretzels and finished shopping

August's P.O.V

I sat there for hours trying to figure out what I was gone do ....what if kay is serious. Da phone rung nd it was shay she da only one day could cheer me up right na

Me: hello

Shay: hey babe

Me: Wass up

Shay: nothing.....why you sound like that

Me:*rubbs my forehead*..........kay wants a divorce

Shay: what did you say

Me: I'm not signing den papers

Shay: August!!!!!!

Me: shay I can't sign those papers.....I don't wanna divorce I love kayla I can't loose her

I know this affair is wrong and I do feel really bad but no matter wat I'm not leaving kayla

Kalani's P.O.V

I sat there listening I can't believe my dad lied to me.....why couldn't he just tell me that mom wanted to separate......I was also happy because he said he wasn't t gonna let that happen

Dad: no..........shay you gotta understand that is my wife!!!

Me:* gets closer to the door*

Dad: of corse

I wish he had who ever this was on speaker so I could hear what she's saying

Dad: shay I love you okay babey, I love you so much nd ain't nobody gonna stop dat ....... You Juss gotta understand babey just understand

Me:*eyes wide* what!!!!!

I fell back and covered my mouth....hopefully he didn't hear that but it got quiet

Dad: hold on

I hurried up and crawled in the hallway so he couldn't see me ....

Dad: no I thought I heard something

I got up wanting to run in there and drop kick my father for saying I love you to someone other than my mother.....some one I had no clue of

Dad : anything to keep you happy

My eyes got wide and I walked to my room, I sat crissed crossed on the bed dis this mean that he's having an affair....shoo if I was mom is wanna separate too .....I need to tell mom and I gotta tell a.j....

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