chapter 91

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Kalani's P.O.V

I was laying down an a.j came in bothering me

Me: a.j stop

He sat on my stomach and looked at the t.v

Me: a.j get offf i cant breathe

He faked a fart and got up, i rolled my eyes because he's so weird and random, my phone went off and i looked to see it was unknown number

???~ kalani

Me~ who is this

???~ zire

Me~ how the hell did you get my number again

Zire: it doesnt matter

Me~ like hell it do what do you want

Zire~ I miss you

Me~ so ironic....please stop texting me😔

I missed him to but i didnt wanna talk so i put my phone down and he kept texting, i sighed and an hour later i picked my phone um and he sent 32 text messages.....i smiled, but then there was another text

Zire~ 😞 I just wanted to know if you like my new hair cut

Me: idc


I sat back and thought......then I got up and putting my hair up in a sloppy bun, and throwing clothes on and his hoodie....I hate him .....but I love him.... It's hard to explain...but I hope he wasn't stupid enough to actually cut his hair

Me: a.j what barber shop does zire go to

A.j: why

Me: i just wanna know

A.j: the one on the boulevard

I walked out not even checking the time and ended up ran there, then it started raining,....i walked i was infront of the barber shop..but they were closed, i sighed and walked away then i looked around and zire came with a hat on

Me: *mad*

I walked up to him and jumped up and snatched his hat off and his hair was still there

Me:dont scare me like that

I said shoving his beanie on his chest, he smiled and i stared at his dimples.....

Me: its made me come out in the rain

Zire: i knew you'd come out though


Zire: if you ont care fa me why you came out when I said i was gone cut my hair

Me:......i didn't care......*shruggs my shoulder* I just wanted to see if it was true

Zire: sureeeee

He said smiling.........he moved hair out my face and tucked it behind it my ear

Me:*moves away* I gotta get home

I started walking away and shook my head

Zire: .......your really just gonna walk away like that

Me:*turns his way* .......yea.....yea I am....because I can't fucking stand you

His eyes got big and then he looked down

Zire: I really didn't mean to hurt chu

Me: yes you meant everything to just didn't wanna get didn't think it'll happen

Zire:.......I knew it was stupid i(GCO)

Me: then why did you do it....if you k re it was stupid

Zire: I wasn't thinking..........I thought chi was just this snobby little freshman that thought every thing should be handed to her just because of who her parents are.......I didn't care about any bodies feelings but my own.....but I got to know you........and your not this girl I thought chu were........your way better

Me:.........*shakes my head *....... You can't judge somebody like that

Zire: trust me I learned my lesson this fake..........all of this....your story much you like me and all it real.....or is it another bet's real....

Me: I don't believe you

He sighed and held his hat tight clenching his jaw

Me: your not the boy I met that day I needed to find a.j......that boy I thought was caring but that wasn't was a bet.....not Zire......I don't even know who sure is because it was all who are you

He looked down and shrugged

Zire: people say hey it doesn't hurt to try..........they fucking hurts like hell to try......

He walked away and I watched him .....then I wiped rain off my fave and he turned back around walking my way..............then he stopped

Me: what

Zire: hey


Zire:*sticks his hand out* my name is Zire Pryor......I see you around a lot so even tho it's raining....why not say hello

A tear glided on my cheek.....he's so corny.......but I love that corniness

Me: did it hurt to try this time

Zire: kinda........I'm a little hearts pounding

Me: mines to

Zire:.......*shyly smiles*

Me:......can I feel how fast your heart is beating....please

He nodded and I walked up to him placing my wet hand on his chest and his heart was beating really fast

Zire: told you

Me:my ex...........was such a douche bag....both of them

Zire: for real

Me: *nods*

Zire: *intwindes his fingers with mines* if you don't mind me asking....what happened

He held my hand and we walked the long way to my house as I told him the story

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