Chapter 18

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Kayla's P.O.V

I was sitting on the bathroom floor thinking plan with August is going perfect....,I wanted August to think I have no idea about that phone call at least until we get back to California.....I got up and walked out then there was a banging on the front door....I walked over and opened the door seeing my poor babey all beaten up

Me: *yell* ohh my god

A.j: I wanna go home....

He looked like he was crying....I ran and got some wash cloths and wet them with cold water I went back in the living room and stood up on the couch

A.j: I wanna leave ........*yell* what the hellllll

He moved away and just started yelling, there was blood everywhere all over his shirt, I held the tissue standing on the couch, he looks like August right now, I mean like that time we broke up and he knocked on my door, August was just calmer ....August and lani came out and we just stood there watching a.j have his panick attach

Kalani: *puts her hands in her hips* what happened

August:*raises his eye brow*

A.j grabbed a pillow off the couch and started hitting the wall....

August: where da hell yo sneakers at

A.j: *yell hitting the wall* I hate this place

Me: *softly* aj please calm down

He stopped and started hyperventilating

August: where is yo sneakers

A.j: fuck !!!!! Fuck !!! Fuckkkkkkkkk

I climbed down and walked to a.j that was really bugging out I stood on my tippy toes and looked at him....God please forgive me for what I'm about to do.....he grabbed his hair and started screaming......I tucked my lip in and smacked him........and i smacked him so hard his face turned red instantly ...he looked at me and his heavy breathing calmed down and I reached up and grabbed his face looking in his eyes..........

Me: every thing is gonna be okay

I know this is a little too late, but as yall know I use to have anxiety attacks nd stuff and now my son has panic's never been this bad tho .....I pulled him back to the couch and wiped his nose and stuff softly....forgetting that August and lani were watching

Kalani: you slapped his tongue out his mouth

He closed his eyes and august came and sat on the couch making my feet sank but I managed to stay still

Me: what happened to you

August: nd yo sneakers

A.j: I walked around ..........and some guys were talking nd one stopped me

Me: and what else

Me: I told him to move so I can go nd we basically had an argument then his friends came over nd said it'll be smart to pass my sneakers up and I told them to buy there own nd *tearing* nd.....they jumped me

I got quiet and it was pretty awkward

Kalani: how you gone let them jack you

August:*rubbs his forehead* lani go back in the room

He got up and left for a second...Then he came back putting his hoodie on

August: go put sum on yo feet

Me: where are you taking him

I said getting off the couch

August: ta get his stuff back

Me: no August just l(GCO)

August:*pointing to aj* ....look at em.....dey ain't juss take his sneakers....dat chain is gone to

Me: August we'll get him another one

August: it won't be da same nd dats not da point da real point is dat dey jumped him

Me:*chew on my nails* I'm coming

August: no you not

Me: yes I am

August: no your not

Me: yes I am

August: no you are not


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