Chapter 23

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A.j's P.O.V

Today I decided to stay home, even though its Sunday I didn't wanna go out side and I told drey that....drey is the guy I go to get my stuff to make fast cash, when I first started he said he knew my mom and stuff but I never took him serious because everyone knows my mom and dad.......I laid back and then I heard someone click clacking their heels upstairs

Me:*eyes wide* faith!!!

I got up and ran outside in the hallway nd there she was....I walked up smiling at her and she rolled her eyes

Me: wass up

Faith: where's muga

Me: your like 20 years old why do you still call him that

Faith: because that's my god father I can call him whatever I want to

Me: *smile* mmhmm

Faith: why are you looking at me like that weirdo

Me: because I'm still deciding where I should take you for our first date

Faith: *walks past me* goodbye a.j your like 12

Me: I take that really offensive because I'm 17

Faith: mmhmm

I looked at her ass when she walked away down the hall....

Me: you know you love me

Faith: because your my god brother

Me: not really but whatever helps you sleep at night is okay with me

She went in the room and I smiled walking back to my room....I like Faith to but she is a little older then me my case age doesn't matter because a couple of months I'll be 18...

August's P.O.V

I just off the phone with Kayla....she was at the walked in and came over to hug me

Me: wass up

Faith:*smile with one eye open* I need a loan

Me: for

Faith: I'm getting a car and I need to finish it off

Me: how much to finish it

Faith: honestly 5 but I'll take 250

Me: *gets up* your done wif college right

Faith: mmhmm

Me: ight hol up

I went downstairs and wrote the check to the dealer ship ..then I went back upstairs and gave it to her...

Faith: aww thanks

I just gave her the whole 5 hundred

Me: no problem dats ya graduation gift

Faith: later and please get a.j

Me:*smirking* still flirtin

Faith: *nodding*


She hugged me and walked out and I went back to goin on my phone

Faith's P.O.V

After I got it I walked down stairs and a.j was in the kitchen....he is cute but like I said this is my god brother

A.j: so what chu doin next Friday

Me: nothing

A.j : wanna go out to the movies with me

Me: no

A.j : why

Me: because........I just don't want to

A.j: *raises his eyebrow*

He had his shirt off and he kept looking at me .....I shook my head and pulled my phone out

Me: I'll come get chu at 5

A.j: *smile* cool....later

Me: mmhmm *looks down at his v-line*

I licked my lips and walked towards the's nasty for me to have the mind that I have but , sometimes just can't help it ...

{later that night }

Kayla's P.O.V

Me: cmon stop August

He kept bothering me and I wasn't in the mood....I had on my leggings and a shirt and he kept grabbing and shaking my ass, and it was being annoying

Me:*sucks my teeth*

August:*still playin with my ass*

Me: August stop!!!!

August:*smacks my ass*

He kept his hands there and slid his body up laying next to me....

August: you tired

Me: mmhmm nd my back hurts

He looked at me for a while and started pulling in my shirt

Me:August sto(GCO)

August: hush

He pulled my shirt off and my eyes started closing while my head rested on my hands....he came back and unhooked my bra then I just felt a cold liquid on my back and he started giving a massage....that was just life


He rubbed my lower back softly and it felt Reallllyyy good

August: you betta stop


He traced my curve with his hand softly and kept on

Me: mmmm

August: kayyyy

Me: I'm sorry this just feels gooddd

After a while he clipped my bra back on and kissed my ear

Me: love you

August: love you too

He got under the blanket and I turned towards him laying on my side and I started kissing him, after that I just snuggled in his arms and went to sleep...

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