Chapter 67

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Kayla's P.O.V

Today august is getting discharged...... I sat there and looked at the hallway.....and he came out still looking sick.......i stood up and waited and he looked at me, and blinked

Me: how you feelin

August:*looks down in my eyes*

I walked out with him behind me and we got in my car


I looked at him and buckled up, today my plan was to start getting august back, i pulled up to the guy that usually cuts his hair and he just stared at the dash board

Me: i thought maybe youd want a hair cut

He looked and then back down

August: *raspy* i ont got no money

Me: im not asking you that August.....

He dat back and closed his eyes..... I know him by now....he was never the type to like hand outs, nobody does but his isnt a handout

Me: aug cmon

He stayed longer then got out....i got out with him and we went inside and i went to him

Buck: dats aug?

Me:*nod*........................just shape him up

Buck: i got chu kay

He sat down and buck got started.....i left and got some poppeys augs favorite, and brought him chicken and put it in the car when i got back buck was finishing up and aug was looking better, i took the money out and aug got up and dusted himself

Buck:...........on da house young

He lightly smiled and dapped him....and we left when we got in the car i gave him the food have to eatt

August:*looks out the window* i aint hungry

Me: aug i do know your hungry


Me:........babe .........aug.. You need to eat

He looked at me and down at the plasic bag

Me: i got fries and biscuits too

I looked and his hand moved, in my mind i was screaming for him to take the damn bag.....he took it and i smiled as he opened it and started eating, i pulled off and started driving, now we have to get his clothes because what he's wearing now isn't uhh huuu no

August's P.O.V

As da dey went by all we've been doing is shoppin nd kay has been basically stuffin food down my throat ......she just aint in da mood ta talk about nun

Kayla: i love this shirt

It was black and it had her album cover on it i looked at her and she put it next to her and cheesed, i chuckled a little abd she smiled

Kayla: see.....i was waiting all day to see that

Me: you ready ta go.....

Kayla: are you

Me: *nod*

She went online and paid for the stuff then we got in the car.......i sat dea abd she looked ahead

Me: juss drop me off at my momma's house

She started driving and i looked out the window......after a while I realized we wasnt goun to my momma's......we went through the gate and she parked .....we was home....

Kayla: i know.......things are still shakey....i dobt want it to be awkward (GCO)

I got out takin my time and picking up bags, i looked down because i obly had two abd tgey were still to heavy.....i just hirried up and went to the door, after she opened it i put it on the floor and she stopped me

Me: what

Kayla: i got it

Me: noo

Kayla: no aug i got it just go

I clenched my jaw and walked upstairs, i looked in lanis room and she was sleeping and so was a.j i walked to the other side of the house and went in the guest room , then i laid on the bed, i wish i was in the same room as kayla

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