Chapter 111

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Amy's P.O.V

It's been a couple days and I'm feeling way better....I mean I went looking for a job and things been way better, August has been really nice to me too he's drove me to my interviews and everything.....I know he's married that's why I'm keeping my feeling out of it.....I went down stairs Kayla was there

Me:*smile* hi

Kayla: *keeps looking at her phone* hello

Me: geez you look like your ready to pop


I could tell that was a fake smile....I don't know what I did to her....but maybe it's not me maybe it's the pregnancy....

Me: I found a job

Kayla: cool

Me: yeah's pretty cool too

Kayla: did you find a house yet

Me:...........oh not yet............

August came in and my face lit up....but not Kayla's ....I don't know how she can not be happy when he comes home

Me: hiiii

I hugged him and he hugged me back

August: you was off today

Me: yeah

Kayla got up sucking her teeth and went upstairs

August: heyyy

She ignored him and kept walking

August: babeyyyy

He said following her....when he got to the top of the stairs she slammed the door and he came back down stairs

August: what's wrong wif her

Me: I don't know,..she's been like dat since I came down stairs

August:*sighs* I'm not gonna entertain her lil attitude....cmon you wanna go to dis place dat opened up by (GCO)

Me: sure

August:*chuckle* ight cmon

I was excited...we left out and drove over there

Kayla's P.O.V

I walked downstairs and got in my car....I drove to Chris's house because they left me in the house by myself again!!!!....last week I let it slide... because I wasn't talkin to them anyway but today they actually went somewhere I wanted to go, I took my time walking upstairs and knocking on the door.......he answered and his eyes got big

Chris: look like a blimp

Me: *straight face* that's not funny

Chris:*chuckle* you right cmon

He helped me in and we went upstairs to him room and I sat down..

Me:*smiling* ahhhh hiiii

Royalty was here on the bed...she started laughing and I played with her until she fell asleep

Chris: *puts her in the bed* I woulda thought you came for her

Me: yeah well I did

I said joking ....I actually came for both of them

Chris:*hands me twizzlers* here

I ate them and told him about August Amy

Chris: *smile* you snackin on them jelly sandwiches

Me: no I ........who's side are you on

Chris: yours.......yours...... Your right their spending to much time together

Me: Chris they went to this candy store.............what pregnant women don't wanna go to a candy store

Chris: maybe that's why they ain't invite chu

Me:..........right.....*shakes my head*

I got up to use the bathroom and on my way there my stomach felt weird and I felt like I pee'd on myself started screaming

Chris: eww no way did that just happen


He started panicking and so was I

Chris: I don't know what ta do.....what to do what to do......if I was pregnant what would I do


he grabbed his keys and helped me

Chris: Mari watch the baby

We left and he went to the hospital fast

Me:*holds my stomach* ahhhh

Chris: does it hurt

Me:*holds my forehead* he's not serious no no no he is not serious

I said to my self.....he stepped on the gas and we went zooming

Me: *screaming* ahhhhh slow down

He slowed down and I hit his shoulde

Me: what are you doing hurry UP

Chris: IM so confused

He drove and in seconds we were there

He helped me out and as we went in they got me a chair and started rushing me to my room

Me:*holds my stomach* CALLL AUGUST

I swear when I see him imma strangle him for not already being in here

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